Youtuber was "sold" as a vegan and discovered that he was eating fish | Chronic


In the world of social networks, influencers establish with their followers a bond of trust. Otherwise, they could not be considered as able to modify more or less explicitly the behavior of their subscribers with their advice and their sales. Thus, discovering that an influencer is considered treason.

In this case, the followers of Rawvana, a young Mexican girl who promotes her healthy lifestyle on her YouTube channel, was discovered eating fish in a video that another youtuber climbed with which she shared a trip. Well, basically, the girl is promoted as Crudeveganathat is, their diet is based on raw foods of plant origin. In his videos, Yovana – it's his real name – shares vegan recipes, beauty tips and even spirituality. With 1,986,605 subscribers, such a discovery has sparked controversy among followers of their advice.

In the plate of Yovana, fish.

Pious lie?

Already in the eye of the storm, Rowana decided to release a video of about thirty minutes in which she apologized and explained the reason for her change of regime. Amenorrhea – absence of menstruation -, badl infections, hormonal disorders, digestion problems, mineral and vitamin deficiency, anemia, thyroid complications and lack of energy: these are the symptoms added from 2015.

Even when the doctors who badisted her told her that it was necessary to add animal protein to her diet, Rawvana refused. He only agreed to do so two months ago when the diagnosis of intestinal bacteria was added to the series of medical problems he was suffering from. Thus, while continuing to promote his raw-vegan lifestyle, he began to consume fish and egg protein to feel better.

Yovana posted a video explaining why she's lying and apologizes.

"And we listen everywhere and we know that fiber is great for the body, that we need it to digest our food, but it hurt me. With this bacteria, I can not digest fiber. The doctor told me: "I know you have an herbal diet, the diet to cure Sibo is a diet in which you can not eat a lot of fiber. So you can not eat cereals, no legumes, too little fruit, not even avocados, very few nuts, seeds and some vegetable and animal protein"

In her response, Yovana also explained that she had not said anything to her disciples because she needed it "space and time to be able to process it, think about it, make the experiment"Since then"it was not easy" for her.

"I want to be healthy, I want to be healthy, I want to feel stimulated and that's why I opened to the possibility of changing diets. I have to experiment because I'm clinging to an idea that I can not help but give me the opportunity to improve my health. […] My biggest wish is to be able to return to eat the foods that I love most, my watermelon, my sweet potatoes, my beans, all those things that I love. And be healthy, feel good and ovulate [quiero ser mamá]and simply be an example of health. At the moment, my health is my priority"He concluded.


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