YPF: Government Will Require Preska to Make Burford Explosives List Possible


In line with the Discovery, CS & M also wishes to declare the former Minister of the Economy, Axel Kicillof (main executor of the renationalization of the oil company), as well as the rest of the national officials and leaders of the the company that intervened in this process.

According to the expert Sebastián Maril, the possibilities of court change in these arguments are complex. The director of FinGuru said that "Discovery opens a process in which both parties can request any information related to the case to prove their guilt or dismiss the complaint". In this case, "Argentina will surely want to show Preska that the Petersen companies have bought 25% of the whole YPF stock irregularly, which is why the claim must be rejected" and "If Preska accepts and Argentina provides this evidence, I could come out unscathed." Doubts that arise before the argument advanced by the lawyers who defend Argentina are two. First, Preska may wonder why these tests were not presented before. In addition, it may be necessary to make use of these tests, which, as far as we know in Buenos Aires, have not yet been obtained and belong to the area of ​​suspicion. There are no open and less advanced cases investigating the country's arguments that Petersen bought YPF shares irregularly.

There is an even stronger argument. The case was opened by the investment fund Burford Capital, which bought it in the Spanish courts several months after Peterser Energía and Petersen Energía Inversora declared bankruptcy before the commercial judges of Madrid, after the renationalization of the oil company. when Kicillof's management prohibited the distribution of dividends. The bankruptcy in Madrid seems to indicate that, in order to pay its income to the oil company, the Petersen Group needed the dollar dividend to carry out its liquidation plan; what was left truncated with the way of performing reestablishment; with what appears in the letter of the case in Spain, it is that Burford bought a bankruptcy directly to the judge of this country and not to an individual. In any case, CS & M's lawyers will have to demonstrate the links between Burford Capital and Petersen, which would seem difficult.

For this, US professionals could use another mechanism, also linked to the "discovery process", in case it is approved by Preska. The magistrate of the second district of southern New York could decide to open the total number of shareholders who will plead against the country before paying or reject the settlement claimed by the plaintiffs, which could reach $ 3,000. Millions If Preska allowed the application, one could know who are, with his name and last name, the litigants against the country badociated with the Burford fund that orders the lawsuits. And, according to the arguments of CS & M's lawyers, it could be clear that the sale of 25% of YPF has been completed.

The list that Preska could claim is explosive. This list is suspected both in Buenos Aires and in the New York court itself, as the names that might appear would be surprising and could also include. the local players against the country, in an investment with a mega-billionaire earning potential and whose fate depends on what Preska will solve. In times of speculation, one might even think that there might be old and current officials on this list. Also entrepreneurs and businessmen in general. In any case, these are people who have tried to speculate that Burford would pursue the business successfully and that Argentina would inevitably lose it.


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