YPF increased fuel for the second time in a week


The oil company YPF has raised today 1% of fuel value nationwide due to the recent increase in the price of biofuels, which will put more pressure on the economy. inflation.

This is so, the second increase up here this week.

Fuels at petrol stations had recorded an adjustment of up to 5% last Sunday.

After the rise of the dollar, major supply chains began to apply increases that, in principle, would be 3% maximum, as had been agreed upon during the increase in the June 1, which had been 5%

. The price update is due to the recent increase in the price of biofuels

Thus, the liter of Super gasoline went to cost $ 28.11, that of Infinia $ 33.53 ; while the Diesel 500 stood at $ 24.44 and the Infinia Diesel at $ 29.30

In this scenario, the board of directors of YPF Operators Association, which represents the network of stations- service and distributors of the oil company all over the country, met with executives of the company to badyze the situation of the sector.

The two increases of the week are added to the 5% authorized by the government for the first of June, which was agreed in May

On this occasion, it was established that the next increase would be in July and up to # 39; 3% for all gasoline and diesel fuel marketed in the country.

The new adjustment has the particularity that in this scenario, the President of the Confederation of Hydrocarbon Trade Entities (CECHA), Carlos Gold, warned that the oil companies had set "quotas" for fuel delivery . is, they will quickly affect the field, industry and transportation.

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