| Monday, July 09, 2018
Macri malevolent, because although we change the fans deny it, it is the responsibility of Macri this chaotic situation that is lived, things are already unsustainable, we are restituteequest worse than the previous government, that they can not deny it, and with the argument that decades of corruption and frozen tariffs were experienced and so on. and the marencocha, it is not used as an excuse to carry the econocmie that is worn, as fanatics are those of CHANGE who do not accept that everything is bad?, do not they realize that poverty has doubled ? that every time we buy or get less pay to live ?, that's how it goes or whether it should burst, but not because they call me a golpista but that's the reality, the only one that does not affect is the rich, the upper clbad from there to below, the lower middle clbad has disappeared and we are already in the population segment, and the national government TERCO Y ABORBIO says that he will back off with what the IMF has imposed on him. to charge a retirement or social plans or retirement x less than 18 thousand pesos, it is unheard of that the naphtha increases 2 times in a week and this brings an increase to all things, bread to sugar and a kilo of omats etc. . Because everything revolves around inflation and the dollar, Macri is another example of the ineptness of the right to govern a country well, even if CAMBIEMOS supporters are dragged and denied
Juan Carlos [19659003] | Sunday 08 July 2018
Bravo Bravo beautiful leaves us lpm. What do barbarians want us to become all poor ??? You are searching
| Sunday 08 July 2018
| Saturday, 07 July 2018
Heeee, let's stop the bullets, you can not eat, get dressed, etc etc and now we'll have to wander
Beautiful change
| Saturday, July 07, 2018
Thanks macri
| Saturday 07 July 2018
Let's change, we did not know what the worm was, but we changed the prices day by day, dale macry we have already gone from the front.
| Saturday, July 7, 2018
this makes very clear the governor's speculation with the increase of 8%, that before announcing is already consumed, and they told him that he in the box 600 million pesos to give a good raise, I do not know why they keep and save, which is to pay for the campaigns, stop kissing in the right direction,
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