Z-40 and Z-42: who are the psychopathic brothers who devastated the city of Allende for revenge


The arrest of Omar Trevino Morales, aka
The arrest of Omar Trevino Morales, aka “Z-42” (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

In the afternoon of March 18, 2011, the Allende community, in Coahuila, experienced a massacre that is not forgotten and for which Netflix decided to make a series that started on June 30 that tries to tell what happened from the perspective of the victims: We are.

It was 7 p.m. when a group of at least 60 hitmen from the Los Zetas Cartel He demolished with a truck the main gate of the Los Garza ranch, which was part of the organization and had been labeled a traitor.

Brothers Miguel Ángel Treviño (the Z-40) Yes Omar Treviño Morales (Z-42), who served as a cartel leader, suspected that three members of the organization were betraying them, after information leaked that someone had given the traceable ID numbers of the two most wanted drug lords to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

The suspects were Alphonse Poncho Cuellar and his hired killers Hector Black Moreno and Luis La Guiche Garza. The latter was an inhabitant of the commune of Allende and it is with him that they decided to take revenge.

The betrayal of the Treviño brothers has been paid dearly. These were against the possible perpetrators and even against those who had any connection with them.

The government has reportedly refused to open the file on the massacre that occurred in 2011 (Photo: Screenshot Univisión)
The government has reportedly refused to open the file on the massacre that occurred in 2011 (Photo: Screenshot Univisión)

The Zetas they occupied the city this weekend. His passage through Allende left (officially) 26 people missing; 20 of them relatives and close friends of Garza, three other friends of Cuéllar and two workers of Héctor. However, confirmed testimonies never even spoke of 300 missing.

This weekend, they took the city, they destroyed 32 houses, killed people, burned their bodies with gasoline, and during the whole massacre, not a single one of the 20 municipal police officers who were on duty. appeared “,they just watched”.

Law enforcement agencies have effectively complied with the directives receivedThis is stated in a report on the Allende affair. “Do not go on patrol or answer calls for help”.

The only note of humanity on the part of the agents was that of “an integrated police force in Los Zetas“Who found a five-year-old girl and a three-year-old boy and took them out of there to take them to another town.

The event was silenced, no one was punished for it and the survivors were terrified and unwilling to speak. In 2016, the Mexican journalist Diego osorno made public what had happened and in 2017, Thompson would garner all the voices of Allende’s victims.

Who is Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, the Z-40


Miguel Ángel Treviño, aka the Z-40, is one of the greatest symbols of organized crime violence in Mexico. This, because the former head of The Zetas characterized by extreme cruelty to his enemies and, according to information provided by the Navy Navy of Mexico When captured on July 15, 2013, the Veracruz cartel was the most violent in the republic at the time.

The story of Treviño Morales in the world of crime began very young, because when He was still a teenager living in Dallas, Texas, he joined Los Tejanos, a gang dedicated to drug trafficking and auto theft..

Later was “discovered” by Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, founder of the then armed branch of the Gulf Cartel: Los Zetas, who put him to wash cars and later, seeing that he was fluent in English, was his messenger. Over the years, the Z-40 he gained the confidence of the high command and rose in position, until he became a contract killer close to Ezequiel Cardenas, Tony Tormenta, who was killed in 2010.

With the desertion of many elements of the special forces of the Mexican army when it joined the cartel, Treviño knew how to implement this newly arrived and imposed “talent” the “fashion to dismember and cook your enemies”.

Of the arrest of Osiel Cardenas in 2003, Los Zetas would go to war with the Gulf Cartel until 2010. The participation of former soldiers and their methods raped to levels never seen before the places where drug outlets were fought in Mexico, leaving a trail of corpses and terrifying stories around the Z-40 figure, until during a navy operation, in the In Tamaulipas State, the criminal be apprehended so feared with his escorts, 8 large caliber weapons, 500 useful cartridges and $ 2 million in cash.

Omar Treviño Morales, Z-42

    Reuters 163
Reuters 163

He came to the head of one of the most bloodthirsty criminal groups by chance and the arrest of his brother, but that did not stop him from presuming that he had killed more than 1,000 people in Mexico. His nickname is brief and his name recalls the murders of migrants. : Z-42, Omar Treviño Morales.

His criminal career began with auto theft and extortion. He and his brothers allied themselves with an armed group that worked for him. Gulf Cartel, called Los Zetas and in 2010 they dissolved the agreement to work by yourself.

According to a US agent, he once bragged about killing more than 1,000 peoples ”, according to an analysis of InSight Crime.

His criminal acts led to US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to offer $ 5 million in exchange for data to capture it.

His brother was arrested in 2013 and took over the management of Los Zetas. Pero in 2015, he was captured in a luxury residential area of ​​Monterrey, Nuevo León.

She was considered the perpetrator of murders and kidnappings in Nuevo Laredo between 2005 and 2006 and bringing shipments of cocaine to the United States during the days when Los Zetas worked with the Gulf Cartel, according to a DEA report.

In 2019, the Z-42 was sentenced to 18 years in prison for operating with resources of illicit origin and carrying firearms for the exclusive use of the Armed Forces.


Los Zetas: The Bloodiest Cartel’s Worst Atrocities

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