Zambia: Before dying, a patient admitted to having exchanged 5,000 babies for fun


April 25, 2019
– 10.04

The woman is suffering from terminal cancer and claims to have committed this negligence between 1983 and 1995

Elizabeth Bwalya Mwewa all revolutionized Zambia after confessing that traded at least 5000 babies while he was working as a nurse at the Lusaka University Hospital from 1983 to 1995.

"I have terminal cancer and I know I'm going to die soon. I want to confess my sins to God and to all those affected, especially those who gave birth during my service. I found God and I am reborn now. I have nothing to hide. DSince 12 years that I work at the maternity UT, I changed about 5,000 babies ", the nurse would have confessed.

The woman even explained that she had divorced some couples after undergoing DNA tests. "I do not want to go to hell for that, I really regret having sin … Excuse me please.", he added.

In turn, Mwewa He gave details of the dates he worked in this maternity so that those who are born there can recognize if they were part of this sad action: "If you were born in the UTH between 1983 and 1995, it is likely that your parents are not your biological parents.. He had been in the habit of exchanging newborns Just for fun. So look well your brothers, if, for example, they are all white and you are black … you are this child and I am really sorry.


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While the testimony was strong, some people doubted it. According to local media, the Lusaka Times, there is no record at the hospital that Elizabeth Mwewa worked at the medical center during the aforementioned time. As a result, the General Nursing Council of Zambia has opened an investigation to examine this testimony.


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