Zapatero asks the EU to think about his post …


Former President of the Spanish Government José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, who is in Caracas, asked the European Union (EU) to reflect on his position on Venezuela after the legislative elections held today and in which he is participating as an invited international observer.

“I want the EU to reflect after these elections, to assess what the sanctions policy (against Venezuela) has given itself,” said the former socialist president, during an appearance on national television Venezuelan.

He also considered that from this Monday, “There must be careful thought” on the part of those who have supported US President Donald Trump’s policy on Venezuela because, in his opinion, this strategy “no longer exists”, given the imminent end of the Republican administration in the White House.

“Anyone can understand my radical departure from the Trump administration’s strategy towards Venezuela. It was a strategy that was based on serious information errors, took unfair measures and failed in results, ”he said.

For this reason, he continued, he hopes that after the “noisy defeat” of Trump and, with it, “of all the strategy that existed towards Venezuela”, a new path will open in this South American country where dialogue and harmony will prevail. .

The former president reiterated his satisfaction with the evolution of legislative votes in the country, in which the opposition led by Juan Guaidó and currently controlled by the National Assembly does not participate, deeming them fraudulent.

“I know that in this electoral process, there are opposition parties, more than 10, who have decided to attend these elections (…) tThere are also opposition parties, opposition leaders, who have decided not to participate in the elections. “He explained after insisting that elections enjoy plurality.

Rodríguez Zapatero called on non-voters to reflect and urged them to join in future elections, because he expressed his respect for those who decided not to participate. “I respect those who have not decided to participate, I do not understand those who judge the system without knowing it or without being here and do not validate it”, he continued.


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