ZKZM-500 the new weapon of war made in China


CHINA.- The creation of a laser weapon capable of "charring enemies" is under development. His name is ZKZM-500 and has an effective range of nearly one kilometer.

It is invisible and makes no noise, it is about the new weapon developed by a Chinese company which, according to its creators, can carbonize the organic tissue in a few seconds .

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One of his creators, engineer at the firm ZKZM Laser, owned by the Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Xian, Shaanxi Province, indicates that the target of his new weapon " will never know where it comes from shot "because it's not announced with any kind of noise or flare

" They will think it was an accident, "says the engineer in describing how his new mortal badault rifle weighs just over three kilos of total weight, almost identical to a similar traditional weapon.

This rifle has a caliber about 15 millimeters [1 9459005] ] and operates with lithium-ion rechargeable batteries such as those used by The current smartphones

The goal of those responsible for this weapon is to sell it to a public contractor, to special police forces or to anti-terrorist squadrons in China.

According to a report published by a local newspaper, the ZKZM-500 can be mounted on land, air or naval vehicles and if the target uses flammable clothing, it will burn in seconds . ] " The pain will be unbearable ", proudly indicates one of the laser gun engineers who, through strokes of no more than two seconds in length, can cross surfaces of almost all kinds of materials at produce burns with high lethal potential in humans.

ZKZM Laser spokespersons claim that their weapon is ready for mbad production and that it is likely that the first units will soon be marketed at about $ 15,000 each .

The ZKZM is capable of firing up to one thousand bursts per charge and, if successfully tested on the battlefield, could become the first laser rifle. of history to use in real combat.

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