Zuckerberg had to clarify his words about the deniers of the Holocaust


The leader of Facebook Inc., Mark Zuckerberg retracted statements that appeared to defend those who denied the Holocaust after attempting to explain this that careful to try to be the giant of social media to drive people out of the social network. He ended up using as an example a group that arouses little sympathy.

In an interview with Kara Swisher of Recode, Zuckerberg illustrated the difference between those who propagate false information with the intent to harbad. from other people and those who simply disseminate misinformation. The first type is forbidden and the second is not. And he tried to explain it

"I am a Jew, and there is a group of people who deny that the Holocaust took place" he told Swisher. "It's deeply shocking to me, but in the end, I do not think our platform should eliminate it because I think there are things in which Different people are wrong I do not think they're intentionally wrong. "

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Facebook has long followed the policy of allowing people to deny the Holocaust, except in countries where this content is illegal, such as Germany. But Zuckerberg's comments took place in a context of increasing attention to moderation practices of the company's content. The executive ended by retracting his comments after the reaction that was online and the admonitions of certain groups of interest. "Personally, I find Holocaust denial deeply offensive and I had no intention of defending the intent of people who deny it," he wrote in a subsequent note to Swisher. Facebook's policy of maintaining this type of content remains in place.

The United States House of Representatives held a hearing on Tuesday during which it was debated whether the content published by users and if there are any possibilities of bias decisions. Facebook has received questions regarding why InfoWars the site that broadcasts conspiracy theories, is allowed to remain present even when it makes statements like filming 20 children in primary school Sandy Hook in 2012 The denial of the Holocaust is an intentional, deliberate and ancient tactic of anti-Semitism that is indisputably detestable, hurtful and threatening to Jews, "said Jonathan Greenblatt, National Director of The Anti-Defamation Leagu e. "Facebook has the moral and ethical obligation not to allow its dissemination."

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Facebook takes also measures to eliminate false information that can lead people to suffer physical damage, after attacks on people from India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar favored by false rumors spread by Facebook, by messaging platforms and other social media

"Reduce the spread of false information. instead of eliminating it completely – this allows for a proper balance between freedom of expression and a safe and genuine community, "said a spokesman for Facebook in a statement sent by email. "There are some forms of misinformation that have contributed to physical damage, and we are making a policy change that will allow us to remove that type of content."

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