Ariana Grande cancels shows due to an allergy to tomato – Rolling Stone


Ariana Grande was forced to cancel two shows in her home state of Florida this week after having a severe allergic reaction to tomatoes. The singer said that her throat was almost closed. "I always have the impression of swallowing a cactus," she writes. Grande concludes the message by throwing a selection message: "There is nothing more unfair than an Italian woman developing an allergy to tomato in her twenties."

She is not wrong. Grande, whose last name is Grande-Butera, is half Sicilian and half Abruzzo. This means that, like most Italo-Americans (including this writer), Grande consumes more tomato-based products than water. we always Leave the gun and take the cannoli.

The canceled performances of Grande in her home country – May 28 in Tampa and May 29 in Orlando – have been postponed to November 24 and 25. The singer must still perform tonight, where she will play the first of two consecutive nights at the American Airlines Arena in Miami.

According to New York PostThe sudden allergic reaction of Grande is actually quite common: more than half of adults with food allergies have been diagnosed later. So, from now on, Grande will have to stick to the pesto.


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