Ariana Grande sues Forever 21 for use of 'likeness model'


Photo: Ariana Grande / Youtube

It's annoying to get a kick down, but maybe it's a little consolation that Ariana Grande kicks in? Fast food giant Forever 21, which is considering filing for bankruptcy despite falling sales, is now being sued by the pop star for at least $ 10 million for allegedly using its identity without authorization.

New York Time reports that a complaint filed Monday in the Federal District Court of Los Angeles states that some Forever 21 advertisements posted on Instagram of the retail chain resemble the "7 rings" video of Grande and Lip Gloss) . The court documents explain that a caption accompanying one of the messages is a riff on a word of "7 rings" ("Thank you, just have to buy it") and that in addition to the words "7 rings" a similar style, the advertisement employed a "similar pattern", "Complete with Grande's high ponytail. The lawsuit argues that "the resemblance is strange and that Forever 21's intention was clear: to suggest to viewers that Ms. Grande had approved Forever 21, her products, and that she was affiliated with Forever 21." All this to sell a bizarre headband that looks like two pink breasts blurred wearing nipple jewelry.


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