Arizona Secretary of State calls Trump visit “dangerous”


The Arizona Democratic Secretary of State called former President Donald Trump’s scheduled visit to the state this weekend “dangerous.”

Katie Hobbs said residents were “tired of being led by conspiracy theorists” and hinted at the Arizona Senate-led election audit in Maricopa County, which Trump is sure to be talking about during of the “Rally to Protect Our Elections” in Phoenix on Saturday hosted by Turning Point Action, a political action committee created in 2019 by right-wing Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk.

“Ultimately, no matter what he says or does, nothing will change the outcome of the 2020 election. But that doesn’t change how dangerous it is, either,” Hobbs told CNN on Friday.

Hobbs has been a staunch critic of partisan auditing, saying in May that some of its auditing procedures are “geared towards pursuing conspiracy theories” rather than professional work. His complaints were echoed by the Republican-led Maricopa Supervisory Board, which fought subpoenas from the GOP-dominated state Senate for election materials until a judge determined that they were “legal and enforceable”.

Maricopa County officials announced last month that voting machines subpoenaed for the audit would be taken out of service after Arizona Democratic Secretary of State Katie Hobbs threatened to withdraw certification from equipment, citing concerns about the methods of Cyber ​​Ninjas, a Florida-based company hired to run the article.


“[Residents] are tired of being run by conspiracy theorists and not supporting this bogus audit, and they’re ready for leaders who will put aside these partisan games and deal with real issues, ”Hobbs said, noting that she is coming forward as a candidate for governor of Arizona. in 2022.

Hobbs said on Friday that the Senate-led audit was “fraught with errors and problems”, saying there was “no way they could come up with a legitimate result or result and this Stadium”.

The secretary of state also raised issues with funding for the audit, noting that much of the money raised for his efforts was wrapped up due to undisclosed donations. The Senate funded up to $ 150,000 for the audit, but the total amount remains unknown.

Hobbs also called for an investigation into possible electoral interference by Trump and his allies.

Cyber ​​Ninjas, hired by Senate Speaker Karen Fann to lead the audit process, recently said more county election materials were needed before the team could present a full report.

President Joe Biden won Arizona and its 11 electoral votes by more than 10,000 votes out of the state’s 3.3 million. His lead of around 2 percentage points was due in part to his advantage in Maricopa County, where the Democrat won nearly 45,000 more votes than former President Donald Trump out of around 2.1 million votes cast. .

Fann said the audit was not aimed at overturning the election. Still, State Senate Majority Whip Sonny Borrelli has raised the possibility of introducing a resolution to ‘win back the voters’ if the audit findings cast doubt on Biden’s victory in the 2020 election. .

Trump lambasted the slurs against Republican State Senator Paul Boyer on July 22 after lawmakers said the audit “makes us look foolish.”

In a statement, Trump said in part, “All we demand is voter integrity!”


The former president is expected to speak at Saturday’s event at the Arizona Federal Theater.

Washington Examiner Videos

Keywords: News, Donald Trump, Arizona, Elections 2020, Kelli Ward, Republican

Original author: Kaelan Deese

Original location: Arizona Secretary of State calls Trump visit “dangerous”


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