Arizona State Legislator: Mandatory Vaccines Are "Communist"


A legislator from an Arizona state said this week that vaccines prescribed by the state were a "communist" value.

State representative Kelly Townsend (R), in a long Facebook article on Thursday, warned that measles outbreaks will force Arizona to "give up our freedom, the very sovereignty of our body" .

"I read yesterday that the idea is advanced that if the number of people to be vaccinated is not enough, we will force them to do it," she wrote. "The idea of ​​forcing one to give up one's freedom on behalf of the collective is not based on American values, but rather on communism."

The position came as Governor Doug Ducey (right) stated that the state was "supportive of vaccination" and would not sign any bill that would broaden the vaccine exemptions adopted by the Health and Services Committee. of the state.

This proposed policy change occurs in the midst of multiple measles outbreaks and reported cases in at least 10 states.

In Clark County, Washington State, 64 reported measles cases prompted the state to declare a public health emergency. The county has been dubbed a "hot spot" anti-vaccination because of its "philosophical conviction" vaccine exemptions.

Townsend said his daughter had been "wounded" by the vaccines and urged Arizona to "educate" their families on "the foundations of freedom."

"I'm going to demand … that we insist that we spend time and money discovering what causes so many injuries in these vaccines, instead of insisting that you take your liberty on behalf of the collective She wrote.

Townsend signed his message on Facebook: "Live free or die".

Townsend's message drew national attention, particularly from health officials who voiced concerns about declining vaccination rates and the anti-vaccination movement.

After a few online reactions, Townsend wrote another post on Facebook later on Thursday to defend his comments, saying "maybe [she] supposed to say socialist. "

"The point here is not whether we should vaccinate or not, that's for another position," she said. "The point is whether your body is sovereign or if the government can force you to get injected against your will."

Townsend told the Washington Post that she acknowledged scientific studies supporting the need for vaccines, but said she should have the right not to vaccinate her own children.

"My child may get hurt because of a vaccine and your child is potentially vulnerable if my son catches something," she said. "Who is the most important child? Where is the line? "

Leading public health organizations, including the World Health Organization, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have approved child immunization.


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