Arnold Schwarzenegger is a proud dad of Joseph Baena graduation


Arnold Schwarzenegger

Father proud of Joseph Baena's graduation

27/04/2019 13h29 PDT

Joseph Baena just finished his studies … and his old man shines with pride.

Arnold Schwarzenegger shared the news Saturday with a merry photo of the 2 saying … "Congratulations Joseph! Four years of hard work in the field of business at Pepperdine and today is your big day!"

He added … "You have won the whole celebration and I am so proud of you, I love you!"

Arnold and Joseph have been tight in recent years – even work together – but as far as we know, Arnold's children with Maria ShriverKatherine, Christopher, Christina and Patrick – never had a relationship with him.

It does not look like any of them at graduation either … but that will not spoil the moment for father and son.


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