Arrests multiply 6 months after the attack on the Capitol


Six months after a mob stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6, more than 500 people have been arrested in what the Justice Department said was one of the largest criminal investigations in the world history of the country.

Six months after a mob stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6, more than 500 people have been arrested in what the Justice Department said was one of the largest criminal investigations in the world history of the country.

The arrests include dozens of members of the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, two far-right groups that prosecutors say were involved in communication and planning before the riots occurred.

Sixteen members of the Oath Keepers are accused of participating in a plot to interfere with the results of the Electoral College to certify the 2020 presidential election on January 6, which members of Congress were attempting to do when hundreds of people called out. invaded the Capitol.

Two members of the Oath Keepers have pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges, and a federal prosecutor said last week that talks were underway with 12 other members of the group, with a view to reaching more plea deals.

Members of the Oath Keepers face some of the most serious charges. At least 100 people are also accused of assaulting federal agents. More than 140 police officers were injured in the attack.
Most of the rest face misdemeanor charges for illegally entering the Capitol.

They include a woman from Indiana who was the first person to be sentenced. Anna Morgan-Lloyd was ordered last month to serve three years of probation and do 120 hours of community service, as well as pay $ 500 in restitution.

While federal authorities have charged hundreds of people, they are still trying to identify many more who have illegally entered the Capitol.

The FBI has published a “most wanted” list of people wanted in connection with the violence on Capitol Hill.

As law enforcement continues to make arrests and the justice system processes those charged, a special House committee prepares an investigation into the attack.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appointed eight members of the committee, including Representative Liz Cheney. The Wyoming Republican was one of only two House GOP lawmakers to vote for the creation of the panel, along with Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.

The committee is chaired by Democratic Representative from Mississippi Bennie Thompson, who is also chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.

Minority Parliamentary Leader Kevin McCarthy can nominate five members to the committee.

Among the Democrats who will be on the panel is Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, who was responsible for impeachment in former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial.

Republicans accuse the select committee of being partisan and of seeking to draw conclusions detrimental to the GOP. Senate Republicans earlier blocked a separate proposal to create a bipartisan 9/11-style commission.

Raskin said it’s important to learn the truth about what happened.

“We need to determine who organized the violence on January 6 – how did they organize it and why did they organize it? he said. “Because we have to defend our democracy with everything we have. “

Representative Elaine Luria, a Democrat from Virginia, is also one of the panel members.

The House is now recess, but Pelosi has indicated that she wants the select committee to begin its work as soon as possible.

Lawmakers on various standing committees have also looked at various aspects of security around the Capitol. Fences that were erected around the perimeter after January 6 are expected to fall later this week.

A wider perimeter of fencing around the Capitol and surrounding roads was removed earlier this year.


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