Ashley Graham’s latest breastfeeding selfie splits commentators


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You would think that after centuries of mothers breastfeeding their children, breastfeeding would be a widely accepted part of motherhood – but obviously that doesn’t appear to be the case.

Fortunately, that hasn’t stopped 33-year-old model Ashley Graham.

Ashley Graham's intimate photos rub some people the wrong way (Photo via Getty Images)

Ashley Graham’s intimate photos rub some people the wrong way (Photo via Getty Images)

Since welcoming her first child, Issac Ervin, a year ago, Graham has made it a point to share some of their most precious and intimate moments on social media, including videos of her breastfeeding.

“Perfect morning with my adorable little man. The snow in New York is wild today, but will still throw Isaac in his snow suit for a quick sheesh sled! “, She captioned her last clip.

While many moms have applauded and encouraged her efforts to normalize something so obviously natural, others weighed in on her, criticizing her for her excessive sharing on social media, where she has over 12 million subscribers. .

Her post received tons of support from fans who agree breastfeeding shouldn’t be viewed as obscene. But sadly, the positive reviews were not enough to quell the negatives.

“I don’t need to see this. Good for you, but does anyone keep something so precious and innocent private? It’s between you and you baby. Keep it up, ”one person commented.

ALSO LOOK AT: These Ashley Graham Breastfeeding Pictures Should Make All Moms Feel Good About Breastfeeding

“Private moments … I don’t understand why you are posting them,” wrote another. “Very cute, but, honestly, I don’t want to see the breast, we are feeding your very cute baby, but please cover.”

Photo via @ashleygraham Instagram

Photo via @ashleygraham Instagram

Photo via @ashleygraham Instagram

Photo via @ashleygraham Instagram

Photo via @ashleygraham Instagram

Photo via @ashleygraham Instagram

Other fans criticized the volume of similar breastfeeding videos she posted, urging her to cut back. Some just found it odd to share something so intimate with so many people.

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“Is that all you know how to post?” Like breastfeeding is all you post, ”wrote one of her followers. “The fact that you feel the need to publish this is completely disturbed. Why can’t a special moment with your child just be between you and your husband? Why do you feel the need to show millions of people? Another wrote.

Photo via @ashleygraham Instagram

Photo via @ashleygraham Instagram

Photo via @ashleygraham Instagram

Photo via @ashleygraham Instagram

Graham has yet to respond to the reaction – but as someone who has been criticized for everything from her armpit hair to the size of her body, it’s probably safe to assume she doesn’t have the intention to let the haters reach it.

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