Assassin’s Creed fans discover the amazing official method of unlocking this hidden weapon •


This week, Assassin’s Creed fans made their way to a Mythic Arc that has been hiding in Valhalla since the game’s release.

Ubisoft praised players for finally discovering the powerful Isu weapon – but also teased that there was a proper and trouble-free method of obtaining the item as well.

This all ties in brilliantly with the truly amazing work undertaken by the members of the Access the Animus fan community, which has painstakingly translated the secret Isu runes of Valhalla over the past two months.

The efforts of this group had culminated in an attempt to decipher the Isu language inscribed on Valhalla’s collector’s edition box – but with partial success. However, the discovery of the arc this week and additional encouragement from the Ubisoft developers behind the secret has now spurred Access the Animus to cross the finish line.

The video below describes the very entertaining process undertaken to figure out where, when, how and why to unlock the arc the right way – and it’s fascinating to see the time and ingenuity put into clues on Ubisoft’s behalf.

Not only did the developer create an entire language for this puzzle, but he covered the clue collector’s edit box that players have only started to understand now.

The Isu runes on the collector’s edition box read that “the sword is the key”, while an image of the very specific (and spoilery) sword in question is hidden from view. A set of digital coordinates is also included, while artwork lithographs with runes spelling out “Now” when placed together in a certain way also show the icon of a sun that you then hide. .

The digital coordinates are the only part of the puzzle yet to be fully decoded, although finding the problem this week skipped that part – everyone knows where the Isu arc is. Yet fans have now realized that the island in the lake where the arc is hidden is, when seen on the in-game map, a reference to the location of Ubisoft Singapore’s headquarters in Singapore itself. – whose lake has the shape. (Ubisoft Singapore created the region of the game where the arc is hidden and designed its language Isu.)

From all of this, Access the Animus designed the weapon needed to open the rocks that hold the bow, at a specific location and at a specific time of day. We will let the video itself give the spoiler solution.

In other Assassin’s Creed Valhalla news this afternoon, players are dying on purpose to help fellow fans get a bugged exploit.


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