Assassin's Creed Odyssey's DLC Atlantis looks like a whole new game


Assassin's Creed Odyssey was epic to scale well before being expanded with its initial burst of post-release content. After the last episode, we had the feeling that the scope had gone from epic to exhaustion and that we finally had enough. The launch trailer for the upcoming expansion, The fate of Atlantis, we rethought this position.

The sequence is striking, with great panoramas and lots of colorful vegetation and old technology. The story pushes the series further from its historical setting into the fantastic and colorful settings of the myth. The expansion will extend over three episodes, beginning with "Fields of Elysium", an adventure taking place in the idyllic after-life of the Greek myth. According to the announcement made by Ubisoft, the two following episodes will deepen "the great mysteries of the ancient kingdom of the gods".

The arc will introduce capacity enhancements, allowing players to modify the functions of existing capabilities. And it will include a bundle of gods and mythological animals to meet and fight.

Players will have two options to play The fate of Atlantis:

After the main game, players will have to complete the quest series Between Two Worlds, the mythical bow of the main game, and the series of quests Heir of Memories, the series The Lost Tales of Greece, available after the completion of the series former. Finally, they must have reached level 28 or higher.

Alternatively, players will be able to use a shortcut created specifically for those who wish to play The Fate of Atlantis and do not meet all of the above conditions. With this shortcut, players will enter Greece at level 52 with predefined abilities and resources allowing them to embark on adventure with the afterlife with the Lost Tales of Greece, Heir series of questions. of Memories. They will also have the opportunity to choose their hero. However, unlike the previous option, the progression of players using the shortcut will not be carried over to the main game save and they will not be successful.

The fate of Atlantis is included in OdysseyThe $ 39.99 Season Pass will be available on its own for $ 24.99. The first episode will be launched on April 23rd. The following episodes – "Hades Torment" and "Judgment of Atlantis" – will be available in mid-2019.


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