Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Christmas festival kicks off by buggy


Illustration from the article titled iAssassin's Creed Valhalla / i's Yuletide Festival Gone for a Buggy

Screenshot: Ubisoft / Kotaku

It is the season of snowy weather, holiday season and drunken Vikings. The latest update for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Adds a new vacation-themed event to the game and covers your colony in snow. But while the new free update is a little fun, adding new armor and decorations, it also has some annoying bugs.

The biggest and most noticeable change in the update is that your colony, Ravensthorpe, is now covered in beautiful snow and Christmas decorations. And some local revelers helped put on a big event with singing, booze, contests and more. We are still Vikings, after all. So the next time you start Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and return to your colony, you will receive new quests related to the event.

Some of them involve helping to organize the celebration, while others allow you to participate in the events of the holiday.

For example, you will need to visit your brewery and locate a missing special holiday mead barrel. Another quest allowed me to track down some cattle that had escaped after the man watching over them got scared off by one of the cows. These cattle were meant to be butchered and served at the party, so to help save the day, you’ll have to take the man with you and find those missing cows to save Chri… I mean, the Yule Festival.


Screenshot: Ubisoft / Kotaku

Back at the party, you’ll find quests that as far as I know are repeatable. There is a new archery competition to enter, a drink competition as you might expect, and a big fighting tournament in which you get more and more drunk as you compete. None of these quests or events are incredibly complex or related to the main story of Valhalla, but it’s good. I’m not looking for a big DLC ​​at the moment after putting 100 hours into the base game. I just want to have fun and enjoy the season with my Viking friends.

Completing all of these quests will earn you Christmas Tokens to spend in the newly built Festival Shop. Inside you will find Christmas decorations for your colony, such as a beautiful cozy campfire. There are also new armor and weapons, all part of the Mōdraniht set. Personally, none of the armor or weapons look better than the endgame stuff I rock, but I’m still going to save a few tokens to buy these stuff as it will only last until January 7th. If you want it all, however, be prepared to grind up some of the repeatable events a bit.


Screenshot: Ubisoft / Kotaku

Unfortunately, while I loved the snowy settlement, decorations, and new quests, I was disappointed with the bugginess of all of this content. Many quests had markers floating away in a random part of the map. I was only able to complete the Missing Barrel of Mead Quest thanks to someone who posted a tweet showing the real drop point. Other quests have been interrupted. The archery competition, for example, would not count any hits or failures in my score. Then when I tried again later it worked, so maybe the lady running the contest had a cup of too much special mead that I brought.

Hope these issues will be resolved soon and in the future Assassin’s Creed Valhalla the events will be started in a more stable state. As a big fan of holiday themed events in video games, it’s a good one when it works. For now, if you want to get some new armor or digitally visit a big Christmas party, the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Christmas season event will be available until January 7 on all platforms.

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