Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s Big Band-Aid Patch Fixes Some Broken Quests But Not All


Title update 1.0.4

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla improved a lot over Thanksgiving in terms of quality of life. Ubisoft released a huge title update patch that fixed issues for all corners of the game.

Some of these were really needed like “Fixed some cases where Load Game was not displaying saves properly” and “Fixed an issue where allies were not helping Eivor open a door during raids.” One part was a bit ridiculous like “Players can no longer use the Fishing Tool or Horn while Drunk Walking with Tewdr “and”Norwegian fish will now spawn in bad weather. “

Seriously, this patch does a lot. There are over 100 bullet points of various fixes and rework. One of the most crucial aspects is that it resets some buggy quests so that they can finally be completed. These are mostly open world events, as the big critical path blocking bug in “A Seer’s Solace” was fixed a few weeks ago.

After firing Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, I found it to be a mixed bag. I was finally able to complete the quest “Winchell the Robesfree” as the crate respawned after it fell through the bottom of the lake. However, the quest “The Smell of the Tithing Demon” is just as shattered as ever, as the sliding blocks are permanently stuck in immutable positions. Likewise, the Alpha animal in the Sciropescira region is still impossible as the bear spawns above its lair rather than inside.

These are things I can only pray that Ubisoft will resolve in due course. I am walking towards my always misguided attempt to reach 100% completion in every Assassin’s Creed Game. To get there Valhalla, you have to do everything in each region. It’s a huge undertaking, which I hope won’t be interrupted by a few pesky quests that don’t work.

Here are the full patch notes for Title Update 1.0.4. They’re beefy, so there’s a good chance anything that gives you a problem has been sorted out in some way. If you have an outstanding issue, here’s the list of things Ubisoft has its eye on. It’s also tough. A lot of things are broken, so there is a lot to fix.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla – Title Update 1.0.4 [Ubisoft forums]


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