Assignment of Dems House to Homeland Security regarding Trump's alleged comments on rehabilitation, border wall


House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerrold Nadler said on Wednesday that his panel had issued a subpoena to the Department of Homeland Security to learn more about President Trump's so-called promises of forgiveness. responsible for the construction of the border wall.

"The pardon granted by the president to incite government officials to violate federal law would be another reported example of the president's disregard for the rule of law," Nadler, DNY, said in a statement.

Last week, the Washington Post announced that the president had promised his aides to forgive him if they were to break the law in order to speed up the construction of a border wall before election day 2020 .

The President categorically denied this information.


"Another totally false story in Amazon Washington Post (lobbyist) who states that if my assistants broke the law to build the wall (which gets up quickly), I would give them a pardon," Trump tweeted. "The Washington Post invented it solely for the purpose of belittling and denigrating – false news!"

Despite Trump's denial, Nadler said he wanted to know more. the subpoena requires the production of documents relating to meetings between the President and DHS officials during which graces were discussed.

The House Committee stated that the subpoena "represents a new step in the investigation into the obstruction of justice and abuse of power committed by the President, who seeks to determine whether he or she is guilty of a criminal offense. it is advisable to recommend acts of impeachment ".


In his article, the Post said Trump encouraged his associates at weekly meetings to speed up multibillion-dollar construction contracts, aggressively seize private land, and violate environmental rules to supplement the 500 km border wall promised to voters in 2016.

Quoting anonymous officials and former White House officials, The Post reported that Trump had stated that he would forgive his associates if they had to break the law to carry out the project. But an unnamed official said the president was joking when he suggested forgiveness.

Danielle Wallace of Fox News contributed to this report.


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