Assignment to appear from the White House's former aid to the White House, Rob Porter


The House Judiciary Committee on Monday subpoena former White House aide Rob Porter as part of his investigation into whether President Trump prevented justice from being heard during the hearing. 39; Inquiry of former Special Adviser Robert Mueller on Russia.

The subpoena is part of the committee's investigation into allegations of obstruction, corruption and abuse of authority by the president and his associates.


"[A]Another American is said to have been prosecuted on the basis of the evidence revealed by special advocate Mueller in his report, "said committee chairman Jerrold Nadler in a statement on Monday. Rob Porter was prominently featured in the Special Council's description of President Trump's efforts to impede justice by ordering White House lawyer Don McGahn to fire him and then order him to arrest him. lie about it. "

The committee summoned Porter to appear before a witness scheduled for September 17. Former Trump campaign director, Corey Lewandowski, and former White House deputy chief of staff, Rick Dearborn, were also convened earlier this month to testify on the matter. same day.

Nadler, DN.Y., stated that the committee intended to hold hearings and obtain testimonials "as part of its efforts to hold the President accountable for his actions" as and when measure of the progress of his investigation.

"This will help the committee to determine whether to recommend acts of impeachment against the president or other remedies under Article 1," Nadler said Monday. "No one is above the law."

Last month, the committee authorized subpoenas for Porter, Lewandowski and Dearborn, as well as former Attorney General Jeff Sessions; former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein; Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner; Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor at the White House; former White House Chief of Staff Rick Dearborn; former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly; National Enquirer editor David Pecker and content manager Dylan Howard; Keith Davidson, former lawyer for Stormy Daniels; and Deputy Attorney General Joseph "Jody" Hunt.

Earlier this year, Nadler launched a massive request for documents as part of the vast Trump survey, asking for responses from 81 agencies, entities and individuals. Nadler sent requests for documents to the majority of people that the committee plans to subpoena, including Kushner, Flynn, Sessions, Lewandowski and others. In March, a GOP source on the committee told Fox News that only a small group had provided documents and met Nadler's deadline.

The committee, which would oversee any impeachment proceedings against the president, also announced last month that he was conducting a "dismissal investigation". This month, Nadler called the investigation "a formal impeachment proceeding".

Nadler also told the Washington Post earlier this month that if the panel decided to "report on the indictment articles, we could do it by the end of the fall … or by the end of the year. # 39; year. "

At this point, more than half of the 235 Democratic members of the House support the launch of a formal investigation of the President's dismissal. Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Remained calm at the idea, calling the process "division" for the country. But Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ben Ray Lujan, D-N.M., Broke up with Pelosi last week and declared himself in favor of continuing the investigation.


The escalation of support for the impeachment procedure took place after Mueller had delivered his highly anticipated testimony for hours at Capitol Hill last month before the judiciary and intelligence committees of the House. Many felt they had been given little new material to fuel a dismissal case after Mueller's consecutive hearings, but Nadler said it was simply "a point of inflection."

Nadler claimed that Mueller's report showed that the Trump campaign hailed Russia's interference in the 2016 election and that Trump "had lied to it several times to conceal it" – and that his testimony had " removed any doubt "on these points.

Also last month, the committee filed an application in federal court for documents on the grand jury of the Mueller inquiry. The petition alleged that the committee needed this information to determine whether it was appropriate to recommend acts of impeachment. At this point, it is difficult to know when a decision will be made on this application.

Nadler called the grand jury material "very important" for the investigation. In the petition, the Democrats of the committee noted that because the policies of the Department of Justice do not allow the prosecution of a sitting president, the House of Representatives is "the only institution of the federal government" to hold Trump accountable.

"The House must have access to all the evidence," Nadler said. "We exercise our constitutional power. We are continuing the investigation into President Trump's wrongdoings and we will do what is necessary. We will look at what we need to look at, particularly if we are to recommend impeachment to the House. We can, we can not. It remains to be seen. "

It is difficult to know what new information might be found in the grand jury transcripts. For example, many high-ranking White House witnesses appeared before a cross-examination before Mueller's team rather than the grand jury.


The Democrats have been looking for months at the grand jury material for a draft version of Mueller's report. Attorney General Bill Barr released a version protecting sensitive sources and methods, grand jury documents, and so on. Grand jury documents are generally kept secret according to the American code.

Mueller has not determined whether the president had committed a crime in connection with his investigation into the obstruction of justice. Mueller and his team also did not find enough evidence to indict a president 's associate conspiracy to coordinate with Russia in the 2016 presidential election.


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