At least 22 injured after the bridge collapsed during a firefighting operation in New Jersey


Several levels of decking attached to a building collapsed Saturday night on the Jersey Shore, trapping people and injuring many, including children, officials and witnesses said.

The collapse occurred around 18 hours. Saturday in Wildwood, New Jersey, at the annual firefighters convention in New Jersey.

It was not known how many people were on or under the bridges at that time, but the authorities said that the people who were trapped were quickly abducted.

Jim Macheda, a retired firefighter, told The Associated Press that the convention ended when the bridge collapsed.

He went to the scene while the rescue teams were already there and filmed the crowds gathered on the scene.

The annual convention attracts thousands of current and former firefighters to the resort.

Firefighters and children were among those injured or trapped.

Officials from the Cape Town Regional Health System said 21 people had been treated at their facility,

KPVI reported.

By early Sunday morning, 19 patients, including three children, had been treated and released, according to a hospital spokeswoman.

At least one additional patient was taken to AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center in Atlantic City.


Association of Fire Chiefs of Sussex County

said on Facebook that six to eight members of Branchville and members of their family had been injured in the collapse.

No deaths were reported immediately.

Photos and videos on social networks showed firefighters trying to lift a piece of decking.

The images showed multiple decking levels torn from the building and reduced to beams and splintered wood.

The bridges appeared to have been attached to a three-storey building surmounted by an overhang on the fourth floor.

The second and third levels seemed to have stagnated on a bridge on the first floor.


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