At T-Mobile salesman told me Galaxy Note 10 just is not worth it



Not noticeable?

I live in perpetual doubt.

Is an iPad Pro a computer, as Apple insists? What will an iPhone Pro replace?

And now, can a Galaxy Note 10 Plus replace my laptop?

Some, it seems, believe it can – but my colleague Bill Detwiler remains skeptical.

What could I do, therefore, but Note 10 Plus – and its smaller sibling – were being sold? Are they being presented as being ideal for business? Were they being more than Android phones?

I decided to go to AT & T store. A saleswoman, however, told me the news.

Which seemed less than OK to me, especially from a company that tells me OK is not good enough.

I was at a T-Mobile Store, where the Note Plus was honorably displayed.

I've always enjoyed pleasant dealings with T-Mobile sales staff. Frank and engaging, they're happy to talk about anything really, even their other jobs.

Not Many Pluses With The Note 10 Plus.

In this case, I encountered a charming salesman and asked him about the Note 10 and the 10 Plus.

"What's so good about these?" I began.

He pointed to the lyrical praises for his three cameras. Or was it four? My mind tends to treacle as soon as salespeople tell me the cameras on a new phone are – somehow – even better than the cameras on the last one.

Still, he veered to the Note 10, rather than the 10 Plus.

"The Note 10's cameras are not exactly the same as the more, but the result is," he said.

It was as if this particular salesman had little enthusiasm for the more. He told me: "If you're streaming and watching more than one movie, the rating will be better."

To my eyes, the Notes looked sleek and perfectly attractive. Yet here they were being made to sound a touch mundane. It seemed like a salesman could make a show of how to take a selfie using the stylus and how to launch the edge screen.

Can The Note 10 Plus Replace My Laptop?

Yes, I thought, but what about business use? Surely the Note 10 would offer marvelous opportunities for expanded, productive use.

So I asked: "Is it true that the more can replace your laptop for business?"

"All phones can," he replied, "I have tried to fight a quizzical expression. "I guess you can make a bigger screen, so it makes it easier to type on."

See you there! "" To be honest, you'll get a much better value out of the Galaxy S10. "


"How come ?," I asked.

"It's got great speakers and everything else you'll need," he explained.

"So you're saying that there's nothing about the Note 10 or Note that makes it special ?," I wondered.

"Not to justify the price," he replied. "It's just Samsung's way of marketing." They release the S10, then they add a few features for the note.

"And in your view do not add up to much?"

"They do not add up to a $ 350 difference," he said. "In phones, we've reached a plateau." "It's nothing that's really new, so it's going to be cheaper."

If You Do not Want To Samsung, Buy One Of These.

I asked him about his own phone and he told me he had an iPhone because he preferred his emphasis on security. He did, however, add that if he got a second phone – and he might for business – it would be a OnePlus 7.

"OnePlus started in the US, but now it's mostly in, I think, South Korea," he began. And there I was thinking OnePlus was really quite Chinese. Perhaps even very Chinese.

Was this something that was trying to avoid mentioning in our times of toil and trade wars?

Still, his enthusiasm came from his view of OnePlus software. "They took the best of iOS and designed Android software to be just as simple," he said.

This was a strange touch, if enjoyable.

It was as if individual T-Mobile salespeople have their own particular enthusiasms. Why, not so long ago, I went into T-Mobile store to ask about the Pixel 3A and received a glowing portrait of the Galaxy S9.

I would like to see him again, but he would still be in need of a Galaxy S10.

"You can just go on Amazon, buy it with the S10," he said.

I remained disturbed that a phone such as the Note was not getting a hard – or even soft – sell.

"So are you selling many of these notes?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah," he said.

"So who's buying them?"

"People who want to show off that they've got the latest phone."


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