Atlanta Mayor Says Concern Over City Hosting NBA All-Star Game, Calls ‘Made For TV’ Event



The NBA All-Star Weekend is typically one of the most socially active times on the league calendar. There is never a shortage of parties and events for fans, media, tourists, players and league staff. But that’s obviously not the kind of event that makes sense during a pandemic, and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms has expressed concern about what it might mean to hold the game in the city, according to NBC Reporter Chenue Her.

“Under normal circumstances, we would be extremely grateful for the opportunity to host the NBA All-Star Game, but it’s not a typical year,” she said in a statement. “I shared my concerns about public health and safety with the NBA and the Atlanta Hawks. We agree that this is a TV-only event and people shouldn’t be heading to Atlanta to party. There will be no NBA sanctioned events open to the public and we strongly encourage promoters, clubs, bars, etc. not to organize any events in the city related to this game. “

The All-Star Game was originally scheduled to be held in Indianapolis, but the event has been moved to Atlanta due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Players and their guests will not be allowed to leave their hotels outside of league sanctioned events, but that will not prevent local businesses and travelers from hosting potential large-scale events around the game.

A number of players have expressed concerns about the idea of ​​playing an All-Star Game, which in itself presents the potential for a league-wide spread of the coronavirus. A typical NBA game contains players and staff from only two teams, but the All-Star Game involves players traveling from across the league to one location. If even one player came up with the virus and spread it, the whole league would be in danger.

But the NBA has moved forward despite these concerns. There will be an All-Star Game, and now all players, staff, and the Host City can do is try to make sure the event goes as smoothly as possible.


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