Atlus Opens English Persona 25th Anniversary Site, Promises “Game Info”


Persona 25th Anniversary English Site

Atlus opened an English website for the 25th anniversary of the Persona series, and just like its Japanese counterpart, there is the promise of a “one-year campaign from September 2021 to fall 2022”. This campaign will feature “exciting announcements,” including “25th anniversary merchandise, events, collaborations, and even game information.”

Again, we already knew this was happening when the Japanese site opened in July, but the fact that Atlus is eager to reiterate everything – on a new English site, no less – suggests that some of those announcements upcoming events will target a global audience.

Hopefully we’ll hear more about what Atlus has in store soon. While we strongly doubt that all the announcement will involve a new game (the mention of “merchandise, events, collaborations” says a lot), it’s fair to assume there will be a reveal or two to get excited about.

Spread over an entire year, however? We could wait a while longer …


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