Attack of the bears in Colorado: a woman fights her mother with a baseball bat


Goldilocks may have found the home of the three little bears in the classic children's story, but this time it was the other way around – and the bears were not as friendly. A couple from Pine, Colorado was forced to fight a mother with her bare hands and a baseball bat after the animal broke into their home with her kid, reports CBS Denver.

Jon Johnson, 71, was downstairs at home watching television with his wife George Field on Monday night when he heard noises coming from above, according to a Colorado Parks press release. Wildlife. Johnson went into his kitchen to investigate the noises and found himself face to face with the bear eating a loaf of bread, said the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office at CBS Denver.

"He was grumbling, I was groaning.Between us, we had a lot of attitude," Johnson told the shop. The bear, who, according to the couple, entered through the mosquito net door, then attacked the man.

"She hit me in the nose," Johnson said. "She was there, she was low when she crushed me, I turned around, I punched her in the nose, and from that moment on, we started to make back and forth like a dance, she took a few strokes here on my chest. "

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CBS Denver

Field then rushed to help, catching a baseball bat and swaying towards the animal.

"The fight against big bears has failed me," she said, according to CBS Denver. "All I remember seeing, it was a big brown stain in front of me, I got empowered, I've never been that strong." I hit that bear as hard as I could … you would have thought you were a slug of Louisville. "

After all the battle, the bear and her cub came out of the screen. "I was so scared for his life that you have no idea," Field said.

Colorado Parks & Wildlife confirmed that Johnson suffered multiple lacerations in the face, chest and both arms. He was treated on the spot.

Authorities have localized a bear nearby and it was euthanized Tuesday, but the bear was not located. When a bear attacks a person, resulting in injury, he must be euthanized in accordance with Colorado Parks & Wildlife policy.


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