Audi recalls its electric SUV facing the dangers of battery fire – TechCrunch


Audi published today in the United States a voluntary recall of the SUV E-Tron because of the risk of battery fire. An Audi spokesman told Bloomberg that no fire had been reported on the 1,644 Audi vehicles sold by E-Trons. According to the recall, Audi discovered that moisture could seep into the battery cell via a wiring harness. There have been five cases in the world where this has caused a battery failure warning.

The E-Tron is the first electric vehicle manufactured in series by the German car manufacturer. The model just arrived on the world market and Audi sold 540 in the United States.

I drove E-Tron at the end of last year and I found it confident. It's not Tesla fast, but it's bursting with Audi comfort and offers a fun powertrain with plenty of acceleration. However, its range is slightly over 200 miles, which makes it much less capable than its main competitor, the Tesla. Model X.

Owners who participate in the Audi recall will be rewarded with a $ 800 credit card and a vehicle borrowed during their stay in the store.


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