Author comments Batman & # 39; on wedding spoilers


By Jamie Lovett

Earlier today, DC Comics released spoilers on the marriage of Batman and Catwoman to the public. Now, Tom King, the author of the milestone Batman # 50, commented on this premature revelation.

SPOILERS for Batman # 50 follow.

On Twitter, King commented on the spoilers, expressing a mixture of annoyance and excitement.

"I'm upset about things and excited about other things," tweeted King. "I have no idea how to comment on anything without spoiling it.

" Batman 50 is still out on Wednesday. I am incredibly proud of the question; I hope you will pick it up. You have questions the answers are there. "

He has attached illustrations of Jim Lee to his tweet:

I am pissed at things and excited by other things.I have no idea how to comment on anything. without spoiling everything

Batman 50 is still out Wednesday I'm incredibly proud of the question I hope you'll pick it up.You have questions the answers are there.

Art by @ JimLee .

– Tom King (@TomKingTK) July 1, 2018

Scott Snyder, who wrote Batman before the King , also dropped with his own tweet, saying, "Avoid spoilers if you can, enjoy a story in which a lot of great people get in a lot."

Avoid spoilers if you can, have fun with a story in which many people do a lot.

– Scott Snyder (@Ssnyder1835) July 1, 2018

The spoilers released today reveal that the marriage of Batman and Catwoman was not meant to be. Batman # 50 shows Batman waiting for his fiancee for an hour at the top of the Finger Tower in Gotham before agreeing that she is not showing up.

Catwoman explains to her beloved in a note. "You're still a child, Bruce, a wounded child," she wrote, fearing that marrying Bruce Wayne would finally make him happy and that would be the end of Batman. "How can I do that? To save the world, heroes make sacrifices. My sacrifice is my life.

Catwoman also notes that Batman "always seemed to need his misery". A point was brought back earlier in the story of King's Batman by visiting a timeline where Booster Gold saved Bruce Wayne's parents. The point was further clarified in some comments made by the Joker during a fight with Catwoman

It seems that Catwoman came to the conclusion that to be a hero worthy of Batman's love, she must sacrifice her relationship with him so that he can continue to be Batman.The consequences of this decision will probably be explored in the new series Catwoman of Batman artist Joelle Jones, whose first issue is also on sale the same day as Batman # 50, July 4

What do you think about Batman-Catwoman wedding spoilers? Let us know in the comments!

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