A testosterone shot forces men to look for luxury goods: study


Are you a man with a sudden desire for a sports car, a luxury home, or other status symbols? According to a new study, testosterone would be responsible for testosterone

. The research published in the journal Nature included an intriguing methodology. More than 240 participants were divided into two groups – one received single doses of a topical testosterone gel, while the other received a placebo. Four hours later, subjects in the study were badigned to a battery of behavioral tasks and investigations

"[W] e found that the administration of testosterone increases the Men's preference for status marks "quality, but less perceived status," wrote the authors. "In addition, testosterone increases positive attitudes toward positional goods when they are described as improving status, but not when they are described as improving power or high quality."

For example, there was a marked preference for watches that suggest a higher social status among the group administered by testosterone:

What is important in the research is that it is important to know that it is important to use the testosterone group. it looks at the "biological roots of men's preferences for status" on more practical considerations such as reliability. As the researchers note, the phenomenon of increased testosterone can accompany "contexts related to social rank and male reproductive behavior, for example at competitions and after winning, in the presence of a companion attractive, and even after acts of conspicuous consumption such as driving a sports car (compared to a family sedan). "

This is not the only recent study on the effects of testosterone.An article published in BMJ in December revealed that testosterone may have an immunosuppressive effect, leading to the apparent phenomenon men complaining of conditions such as the flu.

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