Fortnite Season 5 Rifts continue to bring strange objects into the map


The launch of the Fortnite missile that split the sky seems to have been the beginning of a multi-phase deployment for Season 5. Since then, strange events have appeared around the map, erasing some objects and adding others on a regular basis

A Reddit user captured the moment when a coach from the Old West went through a flaw. This is similar to the Greek anchor that appeared not so long ago. The rifts have been both adding and removing elements in the gaming world, as another recently sucked a Motel sign through it. The Durr Burger sign was also sucked through a fault, then reappeared in the middle of the California desert in real life. He was found by a photographer performing a location tracking.

An audio index at the location of Durr Burger seems to suggest a future event occurring near Greasy Grove. Meanwhile, the data-miners have found a long list of historical artifacts likely to cross the various loopholes, such as a Penny Farthing bike and a poker table. All of this seems to indicate that Season 5 will have some kind of time travel or historical theme, but do not go past Epic to hit the curve.

Fortnite Season 5 is scheduled to start on Thursday, July 12 at 1:00 am PDT / 4:00 am EDT / 9:00 am EST / 6:00 pm CDT, so you have a few days remaining to complete the season 4 challenges. this time to make a fan movie to win big stacks of V-Bucks.

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