Hearthstone New Extension: Boomsday Project Release Date


Those of you who have flashbacks about PTSD at the sight of egg-laying boombots and manic and mechanical laughter may want to look away now. Blizzard has just announced that the next expansion of Hearthstone will be The Boomsday Project, and that it should be launched on August 7th.

Entitled by none other than Dr. Boom – aka Dr. 7, and is not suitable given the release date – The Boomsday Project will add 135 new maps, including nine legendary spells, a host of new Mech guys and the new keywords Omega and Magnetic. What do these legendary spells look like? Well, take a look at the unique fate of Warlock, the unstable element of Myra:

You read that right: draw your entire deck. For five manas. It's hard to evaluate the unstable element of Myra without seeing the rest of the set, but I'm not sure that grinding most of your deck and getting into fatigue on the 5th lap is a good idea, even for hyper aggressive decks. Maybe you could stick to it until you have more cards in hand and you only have 10 cards left in your deck? It could also be an effective way to refuel in an aggro Zoolock deck. In any case, it is certain that it is bonkers.

Speaking of Legendary Bonkers, if Shaman's legendary spell is as foolish as Warlock's, then his legendary new servant will be mad too:

VIDEO: Boomsday Project Sequence in Action

Blizzard says that Boomsday's legendary servants are all scientists and inventors, so I'm sure we'll have a reworked version of Dr. Boom.

Now, about these keywords. Omega is the simplest: in other words, if you play an Omega card when you have 10 Mana, you get a bonus. In the case of Omega Defender, this bonus is a huge additional attack of 10.

Magnetic is a little more complicated. It's an exclusive Mech-keyword "that allows players to merge the Mech minions, combining their attack, their health and their abilities," says Blizzard. Looks like Blizzard took the power of Deathstalker Rexxar's Death Knight hero, traded Beasts for Mechs, and turned it into a keyword, which is pretty cool. My biggest question is whether Magnetic is automatic. Can I choose to combine two magnetic Mechs, or if I play another one, say, Spider Bomb, will they automatically merge?

In addition to legendary spells, the Boomsday project will also add a new spell type: Projects. "Projects are spells that offer a bonus to both players when they are played," says Blizzard. "Those who build around the bonus most effectively will be able to supplant the competition." Take a look at the druid biology project, whose mana curves are very beneficial:

In addition to 135 cards, The Boomsday Project also offers a solo mode called The Puzzle Lab. It will go live on August 21, two weeks after the actual expansion, bringing "more than 100 mind-boggling puzzles". At the closest I can say, each wing of the Puzzle Lab has its own theme. Some focus on Survival puzzles where your goal is to survive a number of tricks, while others involve Lethal puzzles where your goal is to find a way to kill your opponent's state. specific plateau.

There are also Clear Board puzzles, which are supposed to kill everything on your opponent's board, and less obvious puzzles, which can be guessed (maybe win the game when you and your opponent have exactly the same cards? manages to erase the Puzzle Lab, you'll have "a face-to-face meeting with Dr. Boom himself, at his personal workshop," says Blizzard, perhaps winning a new card or portrait in the process.

As always, Blizzard also offers unique pre-order bundles.For $ 50 you can get a package of 50 Boomsday packages that comes with a free Golden Legendary and the new Mecha-Jaraxxus back card. you can upgrade to the pack of 80 packs that includes the free Golden Legendary, the Mecha-Jaraxxus back and the Mecha-Jaraxxus Warlock skin which, I must admit, is glorious.Here is the Lord Eredar of the scientific community:

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