Cyberpunk 2077 placed a "very high" Bar says CD Projekt Red


By Tyler Fischer

  cyberpunk 2077 "title =" cyberpunk 2077 "height =" 368 "width =" 655 "data-item =" 1116217 "/> [19659004] Cyberpunk 2077 </em> Anticipation is astronomically high, at levels that only a few behemoths in the industry can reach. In other words, the exaggerated train has already left the station and while It may be running in total darkness – a window of liberation It is difficult to suggest that fervor is unfounded. </p>
<p>  Despite the fact that the public has seen only one only trailer of the game (ignoring the announcement of 2013), euphoria of members of the press to the E3 – who saw a long demo behind closed doors – took of magnitude and hope. </p>
<p>  In 2015, <em> The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt </em> raised the bar substantially for role-playing, offering a universally ac epic claimed which is widely regarded as one of the best games of all time. The first feeling around <em> Cyberpunk 2077 </em> is that it will establish a similar bar. </p>
<p>  Speaking of setting up bar, Adam Kicisnki CEO of CD Projekt Red noted that the developer has already put one with his trailer E3 2018, and the pressure is about to hit the "mbadive expectations" that have engulfed the Thu. </p>
<p>  "We still have a lot of work to do; because we have set the bar very high, "said Kicinski." The expectations are also huge, which is clearly visible after our presentations to E3 – we are all very happy with the quality. "</p>
<p>  The CEO continues to talking about the challenges of creating a marketing campaign for a game with so much anticipation: </p>
<p>  "The campaign must also be time consuming. For the first time in years, we go out to the fans with a new universe, we have to present it to the biggest group of players, show the rules that govern it, build a story around it, but also the notoriety of the title to the mbad public "</p>
<p>  After <em> The </em><em>  Witcher 3: Wild Hunt </em> is intimidating, and CD Projekt Red did not make it easier while waiting for it <em> ] Cyberpunk 2077. </em> And something tells me that it will not make it any easier for himself by the time he will need before the release either. But CD Projekt Red keeps the quality above the standard quantity almost better than anyone in the industry, so this should be worth the wait. I just hope that the hype train will have a lot of coal to burn. </p>
<p>  <em> Cyberpunk 2077 </em> is under development for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and possibly even next-generation hardware. To learn more about the game, click here </p>
<p>  Source: Parkiet via VGR </p>
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