First melanoma blood test in the world developed in Australia



Scientists in Australia say that they developed the first blood test in the world to detect melanoma in its infancy. It is hoped that the technique will save hundreds of lives each year by identifying cancer cells before they spread. Australia and New Zealand have the highest rates of skin cancer in the world.

Currently, skin exams and biopsies are the most effective means of detecting melanoma. A blood test developed by university researchers in Western Australia could help detect cancer much earlier, thus increasing the patient's chances of survival.

The test recognizes autoantibodies that are part of the body's natural defenses. In a trial involving approximately 200 people, the technique detected early stages of skin cancer in more than 80% of cases

Professor Mel Ziman is leading the melanoma research group at Edith Cowan University.

"We hope this will reduce the number of people who have metastatic disease [cancer] because that's where it gets tricky: if a thin melanoma is identified early and it is eliminated, you have a 99-99% chance of surviving at age 5-10, so we hope people will feel more comfortable with the skin checks, which will increase the number of people who are aware and able to Identify their melanoma earlier, "said Ziman

. Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer. It is primarily caused by exposure to UV rays.

In Australia, about 1500 people die of the disease each year.

Further clinical research on the new Australian blood test is planned in order to improve its accuracy to 90% .The technique could be available within five years

The researchers said that t would not detect other types of skin cancers such as squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. Other health experts said the test results "should be interpreted with caution". They urged people to continue to check their skin as a way to detect the first signs of skin cancer.

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