The war between Kimberly Guilfoyle and Fox News detonates the claims of Dueling's D * ck Pics & # 39;


The bitter war and long war between Fox News and Kimberly Guilfoyle, former animator Fox, took a very public detour into a strangely familiar territory for the conservative media giant: highly controversial dick-pic allegations .

On Friday, HuffPost reported that Fox News's departure from Guilfoyle came after an internal investigation into his conduct started last year, which included charges "showing personal pictures of male bads at colleagues (and identifying their bads), regularly discussing badual matters at work and "

Guilfoyle's legal representation told the spokesperson that" Kimberly's accusations of improper conduct at the work are baseless and have been viciously done by unhappy and self-propagated people. interested employees. "

Regarding the issue of" personal photographs of male bads, "sources familiar with the ongoing drama offered their version of this particular, catchy detail.A Fox News employee claimed that the" photos of dick are not what is involved "by some.

Several sources familiar with the situation insist that Guilfoyle received pictures of male bads from at least one person She alerted the Fox staff and security on photos, as the protocol for messages that could be perceived as threats or harbadment

As the Daily Beast reported earlier this week, Guilfoyle's enemies at Fox News had made a whisper discreet and hostile campaign against her

A person close to the situation said "Fox News has really intervened."

"The same turns of phrase used by Fox with Kimberl y Guilfoyle in the Separation Agreement appear word by word in the article "in HuffPost, this

Informed sources and Fox insiders have warned The Daily Beast about a "record" and an "oppo" about Guilfoyle's conduct at the workplace that the Fox News brbad had kept over the years. These warnings began shortly after the notoriously ruthless public relations and communication shop seemed to push her to the curb last Friday with a pbadive-aggressive unilateral statement saying simply: "Fox News is separated from Kimberly Guilfoyle. "

In a statement to The Daily Beast earlier this week, just days before HuffPost's story, Fox News spokesperson Irena Briganti, a former Roger Ailes lieutenant, said: "Fox News I did not say anything about Kimberly other than the statement published by the network [last] on Friday.To suggest anything else is absolutely false, downright malicious and defamatory. "

Fox News declined to comment on this story Friday night.

The Fox News headquarters in New York has a reputation for being a workplace where intense gossip, palace intrigue and high-level squabbles rage, an environment of Work resembling that of the administration of President Donald Trump.Fox became, of course, a powerful and influential ally for the Trump administration and the Trump family.Trump Jr., who is currently attending Guilfoyle, appeared many times on Network Programs

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E-mails verified and reviewed by The Daily Beast showed that Fox News's communications operation has secretly planted negative stories in the press as a public reprimand against fingerprints. some of their own on-air talents, such as animators Bill O'Reilly and Stuart Varney – the latter still works at Fox.

Guilfoyle, who is now the Vice President of Super PAC Trump-boosting America's First Action, "

John Singer, Kimberly Guilfoyle's Employment Counselor, said:" All of Kimberly's accusations are indulging in inappropriate conduct at the workplace are charges against him. unfounded and were viciously fabricated by disgruntled and selfish employees. During her long career with the company, Kimberly was loved, respected and encouraged everyone she encountered. It is absolutely absurd that there are people who are turning nefariously and greedy innocent conversations between close friends to do much more than it actually was for financial gain. Kimberly has happily moved on to the next chapter of her life and hopes that others will do the same. "

Lydia Polgreen of The Huffington Post told The Daily Beast on Friday that" we stick to our reports. "

A familiar source With the situation added that" the big question is DTJ turning against Fox News? Can he really afford it? Or do Fox News and Kim just "distort info"? "

-With other reports by Maxwell Tani

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