A girl from Melbourne dies after being hit by a car while she was crossing Doncaster Street



29 November 2018 08:53:27

An eight year old girl who was hit by a car in East Melbourne last night died at the hospital.

Police said they thought the girl had been hit by a car while she was crossing Victoria Street, near the intersection of George Street, in the suburb of Doncaster, around 6:30 pm .

The girl was taken to the Royal Children's Hospital with life-threatening injuries and died earlier this morning.

Police said the driver, a 64-year-old woman from a neighboring suburb, had stopped and tried to help the girl and spoke to the police.

"[We] are eager to talk to anyone who has witnessed the pedestrian before the accident, or whoever might have a dashcam sequence, "said a police statement from Victoria.

Victoria Street is an artery with parks on each side north of its intersection with George Street.







First posted

29 November 2018 08:30:23

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