Amber Heard responds to criticism of his "racist" ICE Tweet


Feel the heat. Amber Heard tries to explain what some have criticized as a "racist" tweet

"With this human rights crisis being so politicized , it is difficult to make a simple " she tweeted Tuesday, July 3, 1945." It is difficult for everyone not to be negatively affected by this subject. "

His message was accompanied by a black and white photo of a little girl in a T-shirt that said: "Birthplace: Earth; Race: Human Politics; Freedom."

reaction against the 32-year-old actress began after she tweeted about an ICE checkpoint in the early hours of Tuesday. In the tweet since deleted, she wrote, according to NBC Philadelphia, "I just heard that there was an ICE checkpoint in Hollywood, a few blocks from my house. evening their housewives, nannies and landscapers. "

She followed this with :" The checkpoints in your streets …. Is the "great" America that we are aiming for? fences and checkpoints do not look like the "land of the free" built by our immigrant forebears. "

Supporters criticized it for apparently suggesting that" housekeepers, nannies and landscapers "were illegal immigrants screengrabs of his first tweet

"Where is your first tweet talking about your housekeepers and others. In the late 1800s, you had the air of a Southerner warning all other wealthy slave owners of the arrival of the Army Union. And Republicans are racist, huh? "Wrote a person.

" According to your previous tweet, only nannies, housekeepers and gardeners need to worry, "tweeted another tweet." I did not know that these posts were held solely by illegal immigrants. This is why the identity policy does not work. "

" For your information, the police do street checkpoints all the time. Nothing new here, "said a disciple. "But I guess that might be unknown in your gated community."

To this, Heard, who identifies himself as "actress and activist" in his Twitter bio, responded: "I grew up with these checkpoints, but that was mls of the Fortunately, I do not live behind barriers (or fences), but I live around and beside many ppl who face this fate if it continues to escalate. "

The Star Justice League was vocal about Human Rights and the "Zero Tolerance" immigration policy of the Trump administration consisting of separating children from their families at the US border

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