Ballarat froze on its coldest day ever equaled in July.


For a city so well known for its cold weather, even Ballarat has climbed it – or should be down – at its best day on Wednesday.

The Bureau of Meteorology confirmed that the maximum temperature of Ballarat was only 4.4 degrees. The highest temperature recorded on Wednesday was actually 4.6 degrees at 4:40.

Senior predictor Dean Stewart stated that this anomaly was due to the fact that the office takes its peaks after 6 am.

But if you were wondering if it was the coldest day ever recorded, you would be far away. In fact, the coldest day ever occurred technically in the fall, May 31, 1977, when Mercury struggled at 3.2 degrees.

The coldest day of winter arrived on June 23, 1981 at only 4.2 degrees. The day of August was 4.3 degrees August 8, 1960.

Expect nine degrees Thursday.

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