Blizzard brings major changes to almost all Overwatch support heroes
The support of heroes in Overwatch has generally been one of the most difficult areas to balance for Blizzard. Many will remember the early stages of the Overwatch League where the meta was dominated by Mercy.
The game even lost support before, Symmetra was reworked into a defense / DPS character as it was never able to find its place in support role
To try to make each hero of viable support, Overwatch developer Geoff Goodman has detailed a lot of buffs and nerves that will be coming soon on the PTR server, which could make a huge difference to the role. Blizzard Brings Changes to PTR for Each Supporting Hero Outside Zenyatta (Above) ” clbad=”blkBorder img-share” />
Blizzard Make Changes to PTR for Each Supporting Hero Outside Zenyatta (Top)
Each Supporting Hero Received a change aside from Zenyatta which, according to Goodman, is in a pretty good position: "He does his job as a damage / hybrid healer and is able to provide discord to your team. A
It is likely that we will see these changes stay on the PBE for a while while the Blizzard test results will make small adjustments to perfect the results.
Some of these nerves and buffs may seem small on the surface, but they will all have a huge impact on the game. Read the breakdown of all the changes below
The ultimate capacity of Ana's Nano Boost & # 39; will now also heal the target for 300 HP thanks to a big buff
Nano Boost also heals the target for 300 HP.
One of the most difficult mediums to play, Ana has continually struggled to become viable. The fact that she may miss her healing targets while having no mobility herself makes her incredibly vulnerable.
If you use your grenade to heal a teammate, you have no way to protect yourself. Now you can theoretically save that with his ultimate healing.
The movement was already very strong but with the ability to save a tank and turn it temporarily into an unstoppable monster, it adds a huge potential to its kit and could be the decisive factor in an intense fight
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