Coal production could account for up to 6% of Australia's electricity mix by 2040.
According to a new report by the Australian Market Market Operator (AEMO), which suggests a combination of solar, wind, storage, investment in gas and transportation is expected to produce 90 TWh of energy to fill the gap left by the coal.
This requires improving the power transfer capacity in the country and strengthening the strength of the system in South Australia. estimates that by the mid-2020s, the transfer capacity between the states of New South Wales and South Australia will have to be increased by 750 MW, with investments of 750 million Australian dollars. the links between Victoria and South Australia increase by 100 MW and those between Queensland and New South Wales by 378 MW
The report adds that there will always be a role for coal in to some extent, as 20 existing plants are expected. According to the report, AEMO modeling confirms that the national energy market is at a critical point and that infrastructure planning decisions made over the next two years will shape the energy market. future of East Coast energy systems. for decades to come. "
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