Druid gets a draw of targeted cards in The Boomsday Project


A new druid spell of The next expansion of Hearthstone was unveiled.

A few days before the end of the season, the cards should arrive The Boomsday Project is getting closer and closer.

Juicy Psychelon is a four mana spell. He shoots a seven, eight, nine and 10 minions of the cost of your mana – baduming you have one to shoot of course. Four mana for four drawn cards seem pretty powerful, but obviously taking them out of your hand could prove difficult.

But let's look at the big picture. It is unlikely that this will be used for four cards. It is a question of building a bridge that must reliably draw a great minion. Imagine this in Shaman – you would play this as a four man spell that guarantees you a guaranteed Shudderwock. Witching Hour is played in Taunt Druid just for Hadranox. It's a card that has a ton of potential, and at some point in the future this will be used to mbadively increase the reliability of something rather cool.

The Boomsday Project is the second expansion of the current standard year, the year of the Raven. It will add 135 new cards to the game, including new keywords like Magnetic. It is currently available for pre-order, with all cards becoming available on August 7th.

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