Hopes rise for the breakthrough of energy policy


The government's prospects for approval of its national energy guarantee through the village hall and the Parliament were reinforced by two reports last week that support those of the Coalition who advocate greater dependence on coal.

Minister Josh Frydenberg aims to lead the NSGs through his own party before seeking Federal Labor support to legislate. Coalition backbenchers who raised concerns about ESGs say they could accept this policy. Liberal MP Craig Kelly, one of the most outspoken critics of the NEG, described the Australian Commission's Competition and Consumer Commission's report on the energy retail market last week as "A very big turning point in the debate." He said The Australian Financial Review that if the government adopts the key recommendations either in parallel with the NEG or as part of the policy, it would "make all very happy colleagues. "

The ACCC report's important recommendations would imply that the government subscribe to an investment in new, dispatchable energy production by entering into agreements to become a guaranteed last-resort buyer.

Although this would not directly finance the construction of a new coal-fired power plant, encourage a private operator to build one.


In return for their support for the NEG, the Nationals want a billion dollars to modernize the existing coal plants and 4 billion in equity capital for the construction of new power plants. National MP Keith Pitt, who runs the internal campaign, said the guarantee recommendation had "similar merit" to directly fund new plants.

"There is more than one way to skin a cat. will officially respond to the ACCC report later this year. Its first priority is to receive state and territory support for the NEG in August, then to have the party chamber and parliament approve the legislation.

All sides of the debate were supported Tuesday by the publication of a report by the Australian energy market operator said the country's existing coal-fired power plants were to be maintained as long as possible before being replaced by cleaner technologies such as renewables.

It was the cheapest and safest option AEMO discovered that about 30% of the existing NEM coal resources, which produce 70,000 gigawatts of energy each year, approach the end of their technical life in the next decade. 20 years, which could have a major disruptive effect on the energy system, which is already dealing with the large influx of renewable energy sources.

While Coal Power Plants The Nationals hailed the AEMO report as a victory for coal and their pressure for an upgrade fund. . Labor and the Greens noted that the report did not advocate the construction of new coal plants and that meant the end of coal.

million. Frydenberg said the AEMO report should dispel concerns within the Coalition. coal. The report sent "a warning that coal must remain an important part of the energy mix if we want to keep our prices low and our stability".

"I'm sure many of my colleagues will be satisfied what they saw in this report, which says that coal will continue to be critical in the coming years," he said.

The NEG would require energy source retailers that meet the simultaneous goals of emission reduction and reliability. The government proposes that the electricity sector will reduce emissions by 26% from 2005 levels by 2030 under the ESM. On Tuesday, Mark Butler, opposition energy spokesman, made it clear that the Labor Party would support the NEG while increasing the emission reduction target when it won the government

. "The problem is the level of ambition that is attached to this system by Malcolm. Turnbull … means that no large scale renewable energy project will be built for a whole decade in the national electricity market. "

" This is going to be a very important problem for the reliability and accessibility of the system, "Mr. Butler said:

" So we have an argument with the Turnbull government on the level of the system. ;ambition. "

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