Is' Ant-Man and The Wasp & # 39; have a post-credit scene?


"Ant-Man and the Wasp" catches two superhero characters who, not are part of the great movie of superhero team that was the highlight of the day. Marvel's cinematic universe: "Avengers: Infinity War."

This does not mean that Scott Lang, aka Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) and Hope van Dyne, aka Wasp (Evangeline Lilly) were idle, however. They set out on their own adventure while the rest of the MCU was dealing with Thanos (Josh Brolin) and the Infinity Stones. Marvel tells how "Ant-Man and the Wasp" will be linked to the biggest story "Avengers" since the release of "Infinity War", but until now, there was only one Only line detailing what has happened with Scott since the events of "Captain America: Civil War" two years ago.

But while "Ant-Man and the Wasp" illuminates the situation with some characters, there are two big MCU films on the horizon: "Captain Marvel" and "Avengers 4." The MCU is well known for its post-credit teasers that sometimes link a series of films to the rest, and with the imminent specter of "Infinity War" on the entire MCU franchise, which raises a very important question: "Ant-Man and the Wasp "does it have a post-credit scene?

The answer is a resounding "yes" – as in the Marvel tradition, there is both a mid-credit scene and a post-credit scene. and you will definitely want to stay in your place for both.

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(Spoilers beyond this point for the post-generic scenes of "Ant-Man and the Wasp!") [19659002] Although "Ant-Man and the Wasp" is a full-fledged story there is a link to the biggest events of the MCU. However, this link does not come until the end of the story: Marvel Studios retains the impact of Thanos 'actions on the Ant-Man team until the end of the story: Marvel Studios retains the impact of Thanos' actions on the Ant-Man team until the end of the story. at the mid-credits scene of the film.

He finds Hope, Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) and Janet van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer) sending Scott into the Quantum Realm with the use of the Quantum Tunnel Hope and Hank built during the film, shrunk for s & # 39; adapt to the back of the van owned by Luis (Michael Peña). The plan is for Scott to collect quantum "healing particles" that will help stabilize Ghost (Hannah John-Kamen) – which Scott calls "our new ghost friend", suggesting that she has become an ally of the heroes.

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Just before Scott crosses the tunnel, Janet warns of what he might find there: fields of tardigrade, "where the microscopic creatures called tardigrades might try to eat it, and not to falling into a "time whirlwind" – which sounds a lot like a potential tease for the future of Ant-Man in "Avengers 4" However, as soon as Scott has what he needs, the scene catches up with the last moments of the "Infinite War", when the pressure of Thanos' fingers makes half of the life in the universe cease to exist.We see what happens at the same time that Thanos gets his wish in Wakanda, and among the victims are Hope, Hank and Janet.The scene leaves Scott seemingly stuck in the Quantum realm with no one in control to bring him back to normal size.It seems like it may not be until "Avengers 4" do not discover how Scott will go home.

There is also the post-generic scene at the end of the film, which could indicate who was the victim of Thanos. He returns to Scott's house, where the giant ant Hope has left behind to fool Scott's ankle monitor, who plays Scott's electronic drum. This is a continuation of one of the jokes in "Ant-Man and the Wasp", but the panoramic camera on a television set with its air broadcast suggests the far-reaching consequences of Thanos' actions. It is also a little underlined that Luis is not at home – hopefully he was in the lucky half of humanity.

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"Ant-Man and the Wasp" ends with a final final joke, as well. Marvel usually leaves each MCU movie with a message that the characters in the movie will be back. "Infinity War" is over with the joke, "Thanos will come back", but "Ant-Man and the Wasp" is less funny and more heartbreaking. It ends with the message: "Ant-Man and the Bee-eater will return". However, after a while, the period becomes a question mark, leaving the characters' fates in the air.

Including Deadpool 2 & # 39;

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    With over 30 years of Marvel films released in theaters, it's always a good time to rank them all, from Howard the Duck to this year's Avengers: Infinity War and Deadpool 2 [19659017] fantastic rise of the surfer money “title =” fantastique quatre montée du surfeur d'argent “clbad =” image-loading “data-src =” -four-rise-of-the-silver-surfer.jpg “/>

    51. "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Surfer Money"

    Just a nightmare. A total nightmare. There have been a number of bad movies of superheroes, but according to the gaseous cloud that filmmakers have pbaded from Galactus to that of Jessica Alba, this one transcends the wicked

  •   xmen wolverine origins "title =" xmen wolverine origins "clbad =" image -loading "data-src =" "/>

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    50. "X-Men Origins: Wolverine"

    A totally chaotic mix of nonsense that tells how Wolverine got his claws. Includes a first version of Deadpool (also played by Ryan Reynolds) whose mouth is stapled, which should tell you everything you need to know about it.

  •   elektra "title =" elektra "clbad =" image-loading "data-src =" "/>

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    49. "Elektra"

    These five minutes where they tried to turn Jennifer Garner into an action star ran as smoothly as it should have been.

  •   xmen the last position "title =" xmen the last position "clbad =" image-loading "data-src =" the-last-stand.jpg "/>

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    48. "X-Men: The Last Stand"

    Just a total, incoherent mess of the word "go". After losing the director of the first two X-Men movies Brian Singer at the first Superman restart attempt, Matthew Vaughn gave way to eventual director Brett Ratner, who could have killed the kind of superhero in "Spider-Man". box office.

  •   Fantastic Four "title =" Fantastic Four "clbad =" image-loading "data-src =" jpg "/>

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    47. "Fantastic Four" (2015)

    Maybe there could have been a good movie somewhere – the actors (Michael B Jordan, Miles Teller, Kate Mara) have definitely guaranteed one. But this Frankenstein of a movie is a horror story behind the scenes, and you can see it in the final product totally disjointed

  •   daredevil "title =" daredevil "clbad =" image-loading "data -src = "" />

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    46. "Daredevil"

    It was essentially "Early-2000s: The Movie", with Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner, Colin Farrell and Michael Clark Duncan as the main actors. The cherry on this turd sundae was this damn song of Evanescence.

  •   fantastic four 2005 "title =" fantastic four 2005 "clbad =" image-loading "data-src =" wp-content / uploads / 2016/04 / fantastic-four- 2005.jpg "/>

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    45. "Fantastic Four" (2005)

    Tim Story's first "Fantastic Four" is just a little there, challenging you to remember that it exists. With Chris Evans, who played here the Human Torch, embodying Captain America in the Marvel Cinema Universe, it gets more and more difficult every year

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    43. "The Punisher" (2004)

    It's the Punisher as a revenge thriller, and it's not bad. Thomas Jane behaves admirably, but he is missing something else that would have elevated him beyond the usual genre. Putting it in Tampa did not help.

  •   spider man 3

    42. "Spider-Man 3"

    Maybe the evil outweighs the good, but the dance number of Emo Peter Parker remains the # 39, one of the greatest moments of all comics movies, sorry, hateful. title = "howard the duck" clbad = "image loading" data-src = " "/>

    41. "Howard the Duck"

    A notorious box office flop and, yes, it's not exactly "good". But now, 30 years after its premiere, "Howard the Duck" is quite amusing as a relic of the 80s.

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    40. "The Punisher" (1989)

    Dolph Lundgren and Louis Gossett Jr. star in a low-rent 80's C-level grunge clbadic. This one is all novelty value.

  •   Ghost Rider "title =" Ghost Rider "clbad =" image load "data-src =" ghost -rider.jpg "/>

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    39. "Ghost Rider"

    For a film starring Nic Cage about a guy who rides a Harley and turns into a fiery skeleton is a surprisingly bbad film

  • 38. "The Amazing Spider-Man"

    We may never know what went wrong with Marc Webb's Spider-Man duality, but his choice Andrew Garfield's play for Peter Parker is always brilliant. It just sucks that this movie does not really make sense.

  •   xmen "title =" xmen "clbad =" image loading "data-src =" uploads / 2016/04 / xmen.jpg "/ >

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    37. "X-Men"

    The beginning of the current wave of theatrical superhero movies, "X-Men" was a kind of cheapie and he showed. Roman at the time, now it stands out as an ordinary mid-budget action that Fox was just sticking his toe in the superhero's waters. Timid.

  •   The Incredible Hulk "title =" The Incredible Hulk "clbad =" image-loading "data-src =" 04 / the- incredible-hulk.jpg "/>

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    36. "The Incredible Hulk"

    It's sometimes hard to remember that this one counts under the MCU, since it places Ed Norton in the role of Dr. Banner since inhabited by Mark Ruffalo in the "Avengers" movies. It's also hard to remember because it's usually not memorable.

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    35. "Thor"

    Marvel's fantasy film is directed by Kenneth Branagh, who covers the entire film in slanted shots and theatrical styles. It's pretty boring, too, but at least it looks cool.

  •   amazing spider man 2 "title =" amazing spider man 2 "clbad =" image loading "data-src =" 04 / amazing-spider-man-2.jpg "/>

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    34. "The Amazing Spider-Man 2"

    More of the same intrigue hack-n -slash impossible to follow from the previous movie, compensated by Andrew Garfield continuing to be awesome and Jamie Foxx going over the top like the big bad guy.

  • 33. "Thor: The Dark World"

    "The World of Darkness", unlike the first film "Thor", is certainly not boring. If anything, he suffers the opposite problem, going so hard and fast that he loses substance.

  •   Trinity Blade

    32. "Blade: Trinity"

    Featuring a pre-Deadpool Ryan Reynolds playing essentially a vampire-killing Deadpool, throwing one-liners as his mom's life depended It is not a "good" movie, but of course, it is fun.

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    31. "X2: X-Men United"

    A big step forward compared to the first "X-Men" on both production values ​​and quality, it is still missing a lot of energy. Which is inexcusable when you have Alan Cumming as a Mutant Teleporter Nightcrawler all over your movie.

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    30. "Spider-Man"

    Sam Raimi really badembled the prototypical superhero movie with this first entry into the "Spider-Man" franchise, in 2002. As "X-Men "Before," Spider-Man "is a little disappointing today, but unlike" X-Men ", he was proud of his nerdy roots.

  •   x-men-apocalypse-trailer

    29. "X-Men: Apocalypse"

    This could have been a weird ironic summer clbadic if it was structured like a real movie and had some kind of development Character. Instead, it's just a dose of visual adrenaline that I will probably want to see again at some point – but not when I'm sober

  • 28. "Avengers: The Ultron Era"

    "Ultron" is frustrating for what he lacks – mainly the feeling that he is pushing ahead # 39; global history of the film universe of Marvel. But as with the first movie "Avengers" his weaknesses are overcome by a great work of character.

  •   Iron Man

    27. "Iron Man"

    This was the reappearance of Robert Downey Jr. on the big screen, and it is perfect in this original story that brings Tony Stark from the manufacturer Billionaire weapons playboy billionaire playboy manufacturer of other things. ] blade "title =" blade "clbad =" image-load "data-src =" "/>

    26. "Blade"

    Pure B-movie trash, which is good because it's precisely what she aims for: bloody, rude, awesome. Blade, by the way, remains the only black comic character in addition to Shaquille O 'Neal's "Steel" to get his own movie, though Marvel's "Black Panther" is slated for a 2018 release.

  •   ghost rider spirit of vengeance

    25. "Ghost Rider: The Spirit of Vengeance"

    For the sequel, they exploited the duo of directors "Crank" known as Neveldine / Taylor. It was an inspired choice, because "Spirit of Vengeance" was exactly as crazy as you would have hoped for from a PG-13 cartoon movie. Too bad it was seemingly stressful enough to break the tandem of Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor.

  • 24. "Captain America: The First Avenger"

    Many people like to complain that all superhero movies are the same. But it was actually a very good movie of the Second World War, also

  •   punisher war zone

    23. "Punisher: War Zone"

    While the previous movie "Punisher" was melodramatic and contemplative, this one is just deadly. And that's awesome.

  • 22. "The Guardians of the Galaxy"

    At the level of the score, it never corresponds to anything, but the strength of the cast and the strange world that they explore make up for it.

  •   bade 2

    21. "Blade 2"

    The beloved nerd Guillermo del Toro took over and brought everything back to 11. More vampires, more blood, more people sliced – and of course bad guys whose jaws can open and open swallow the head of an entire person.

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    20. "Big Hero 6"

    Disney Animation Studios directed a Marvel movie, and it's really very cute. Of course, it's the kiddie version of Marvel, but that does not prevent it from being a totally satisfying experience.

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    19. "Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2"

    An improvement on the first film, and an absolute delight from moment to moment – but it never quite fuses into a coherent whole because so many sub-projects distract from the main story and steal it from its emotional impact. Would be a top 5 cartoon movie he had just reigned in the plot.

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    18. "Hulk"

    In 2003, the modern wave of superhero movies was still in its infancy, and Ang Lee – still the best filmmaker to make a cartoon movie – experienced with "Hulk". And what he did was an amazing melodrama with visual styles meant to simulate comic panels. "Hulk" remains one of Marvel's most fascinating and interesting movies to date.

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    17. "The Wolverine"

    It was, like, just a legitimately enjoyable melodramatic action film. Of course, it turns into a video game boss battle in the end, but for most of its running time, it's just a real movie.

  • 16. "The Avengers"

    The story is a total mess, relying heavily on the memories of moviegoers from previous MCU movies (if you do not remember or know how to come in what the Tesseract was, hoo boy). But the novelty of Marvel's first great team of superheroes was irresistible, and director Joss Whedon expertly balanced his ensemble, giving everyone a lot to do so that none of them would go away. never in the background.

  • 15. "X-Men: Days of Future Pbad"

    His time-travel logic is a little uncertain, but "Days of Future Past" is always extremely entertaining because, although epic, it is not too serious. As "Back to the Future" taught us a long time ago, you can get away with a lot of logical jumps if you hit the right tone.

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    14. "Deadpool"

    In the times of anguish and anger where we live, "Deadpool" is perfect. Aggressively violent and flippant, it is the exact emotional version we needed.

  •   xmen first clbad

    13. "X-Men: First Clbad"

    The first movie "X-Men" that could be described as "fun". It's essentially about two movies crammed into one story, but the touch of the director Matthew Vaughn is so nice and pleasant that it works anyway, thanks in large part to a brilliant cast that includes Michael Fbadbender, Jennifer Lawrence and James McAvoy. Spider-Man Homecoming mj mary jane "title =" Spider-Man Homecoming mj mary jane "clbad =" loading image "data-src =" / 2017/06 /spiderman-homecoming-image-5.jpg "/>

    12. "Spider-Man: Homecoming"

    Not quite the best movie "Spider-Man", but still an absolute delight, with a cast full of thieves. Michael Keaton as the Vulture does for one of Marvel's best villains ever.

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    11. "Deadpool 2"

    While you can have a boost of the very serious occasional and emo scenes of the sequel "Deadpool", the rest of the movie is completely delicious, succeeding to be even more funny – and more hilarious violently – – than the original.

  • 10. "Ant-Man"

    "Ant-Man" represented a premiere for the MCU by being a straight-up comedy. And it's a very good one, with a distribution that fits perfectly. Apart from Paul Rudd who plays against Ant-Man himself, Michael Pena is the true star of Scott Lang's best friend and former cellmate

  •   doctor strange skyscraper

    9. "Dr. Strange"

    If he was not paralyzed with all the required elements of a history of origin, "Dr. Strange "could have been the best Marvel movie. It's the power of the amazing visual imagination exposed here. People love to talk about the nebulous concept of capturing a childish sense of wonderment lost long ago by the magic of cinema – "Doctor Strange" is one of the only movies I've watched as & # 39; An adult who really accomplishes this.

  •   spider man 2

    8. "Spider-Man 2"

    This is a movie that perfectly understands his main character and draws on what makes him a character if captivating for so long. Yes, Peter Parker is a superhero, but he is also a student working at the minimum wage to rent while attending physics clbades at the university. Peter buckles under pressure, something we can all understand.

  • 7. "Iron Man 3"

    In my case this is the film "Iron Man". In one way or another, Shane Black could infiltrate the MCU and make a legitimate Shane Black movie with all the raw spirit and humanity you expect from him. It bears exactly the kind of author identity we should have all these movies.

  •   Valkyrie Thor Ragnarok music fan edit lgbtq marvel movie "title =" Valkyrie Thor Ragnarok music fan edit lgbtq marvel movie "clbad =" image-loading "data-src =" wp-content / uploads / 2017/08 / Valkrie-Thor-Ragnarok.jpg "/>

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    6. "Thor: Ragnarok"

    A complete delight. This could be the most fun we had at the movies in 2017, and we can not help but love it.

  •   Captain America Civil War

    5. "Captain America: Civil War"

    Multiply the two best previous Marvel movies by another and you will get "Civil War". It contains the kind of emotional reward that all disconnected Marvel movies can not really provide. And as an action film is easily the best of the kind of superhero.

  •   Black Panther Michael B. Jordan Gale Killer "title =" Black Panther Michael B. Jordan Gale Killer "clbad =" image-loading "data -src =" content / uploads / 2018/02 / BlackPantherJordan.jpg "/>

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    4. "Black Panther"

    He is a little braked by the clbadic problems of "original film" – introducing the audience to the world of Wakanda is not an easy and fast task, and he could use 15 -20 minutes to flesh out the secondary characters – but still manages to be the most important superhero movie of all time. It's a little surprising that Disney let screenwriter / director Ryan Coogler make this statement a political statement – it's the most politically-open budget movie I've ever seen. . In addition, while I am listing the superlatives: Michael B Jordan offers the best performance of all time in a film of superheroes. Good lord.

  •   avengers infinite war wakanda national video reaction superhero day

    3. "Avengers: Infinity War"

    You could certainly make the argument that "Infinity War" does not really hold the role of a full fledged movie because it starts a little by the second act. But I'm mad. The culmination of this experience of the shared ten-year universe should stand on the shoulders of the films that preceded it. However, the fact that it is a deep emotional punch is what makes it really effective.

  • 2. "Captain America: The Winter Soldier"

    The Russo brothers, who made their entry into the MCU by leading "Winter Soldier" before taking the reins of "Civil War" and , finally, "Avengers: Infinity War" "really impressed by" Winter Soldier ".This is a clbadic spy thriller with a touch of superheroes.And Robert Redford as the villain is a very nice touch

  •   x-men wolverine logan chronology

    1. "Logan"

    The small-scale western of James Mangold is a game changer for the entire superhero genre, daring to challenge the norm by which you expect these films to work. It's just a good movie compared to any standard. Where "Civil War" has raised the genre, "Logan" opts instead to be something else and we are all the better for it.

  • Decades of the big screen Marvel adaptations require a long list. That's with this list

    With over 30 years of Marvel films released in theaters, it's still a good time to rank them all, from "Howard the Duck" to "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Deadpool 2" [19659164] [ad_2]
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