May faces defeat while Labor supports the amendment of the Customs Union | Policy


Theresa May faces a damaging defeat of Commons on Tuesday as Labor confirmed that she would support an amendment tabled by rebel Conservative MPs seeking to ensure Britain remains in a customs union after Brexit .

Even more chaos with two other pro-EU ministers who were considering leaving their role to support the movement.

Conservative Conservatives Nicky Morgan and Stephen Hammond tabled an amendment to the trade bill that would require Britain to join a customs union with the EU if no agreement was reached. concluded on the frictionless trade by 21 January 2019.

The pro-European group estimates that they have at least 10 conservative MPs ready to support their plans in the crucial vote on Tuesday night, possibly to be more, with ministers among those considering joining the rebels.

Labor also confirmed that they would vote against the plan to postpone the summer holidays to Thursday Conservative MPs would then be embarrbaded to have to defend their right to vote in favor of their constituents

It would also mean that Conservative MPs would have almost no time to vote a vote of confidence in the Prime Minister

Brexit MPs, led by Jacob Rees-Mogg, forced the government on Monday support four amendments to the Brexit legislation, including one aimed at sabotaging May's plans for a new customs agreement. The concession was furious against the conservatives.

May was debating Tuesday her next move with her political cabinet at Downing Street, after denying that the changes had killed her new Checkers plan, which crosses a precarious path through the Commons

. A Labor source said: "We saw yesterday that there is no majority for May's agreement." But there is a majority for a customs union. Today, Parliament has the opportunity to change the course of the Brexit negotiations, to protect jobs and the economy.Fingers have crossed the Lib Dems. "

The Brexiters narrowly defeated Tory rebels Monday night by only three votes on the most controversial amendments. Lib Dem leader Vince Cable and his predecessor Tim Farron have both been criticized for missing the vote.

Hammond told The Guardian: "Our new clause supports keeping Checkers on the road and personally I think it's very important – luck for a negotiation and, therefore, I hope the Government will accept the new Article 18 as well. "

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