When you get back in your car, it is never very pleasant to notice that you have been hit by a parking ticket. Now some drivers have more than a fine to fear.
Under the new laws, NSW parking inspectors will be able to award demerit points and fines to drivers who illegally park.
Under the new rules, inspectors are able to guarantee up to two points of unfitness in addition to a fine for various parking infractions.
Leaving a vehicle at the stop for a children's crossing, pedestrian crossing, pedestrian crossing, or a marked bike ride or nearby could cost you $ 337 and two demerit points .
The penalty is the same for drivers who park in an intersection, within 10 meters of an intersection without traffic lights or within 20 meters of an intersection with traffic lights.
Parking in a disabled parking lot without a license is already subject to a fine of $ 561 and you can now get a point of incapacity.
If you leave your vehicle at or near a crossing, you will also get a point of unfitness and a $ 337 fine.
The ad was not well received, with many people talking to social media about their frustration with the new rule.
"It's ridiculous.The police are the only person who should be able to handle the points of unfitness.
Well it's ok. But a point of being unfit for a parking fine is purely a junk, "wrote one person.
"The demerits were supposed to be driving bad behavior, then we'll get it just to breathe," said another.
Others complained that in many places around Sydney it was not even possible to park 20 meters from an intersection.
according to 7 news, 675 NSW drivers were fined for parking too close to the crossings, 4745 for a car located too close to the intersections, and 3812 fines for illegal use of parking for the disabled.
Bernard Carlon, from the NSW Center for Road Safety, told news.com.au that illegal parking poses a safety problem against insects.
"Illegal parking on grade crossings, in school zones or at intersections poses a risk to road safety by affecting the ability of other motorists to see pedestrians or cyclists at the approach to the crossing point. from the intersection, "he said.
"It can also reduce the ability of these road users to cross the road safely."
Parking inspectors were able to badign demerit points for a certain period of time, but thanks to a grace period, they had the option of distributing them at their discretion.
This period is now over and motorists caught in parking lots may be fined and fined.
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