No "overall risk" of uterine or breast cancer after fertility treatment | New


Increased low risks of non-invasive bad and ovarian tumors were observed, but the researchers stated that these findings may not be due to the treatment itself and require further study [19659002] was detected "

study authors

They noted that badisted reproduction generally involved exposure to high levels of hormones, which may include an increased risk of bad cancer, endometrial and ovarian

Previous studies on the risks of reproductive cancers in badisted reproduction women were inconsistent.

The team, led by Professor Alastair Sutcliffe at the Institute of Child Health of UCL Great Ormond Street, has studied ovarian, bad and uterine risks .- Cancer in women who have had use of badisted procreation [19659005] Using the records of the Fertilizer and Human Embryology Authority, they identified all the women who had In 1965, breeding occurred in Britain between 1991 and 2010, and then related to national cancer registries.

A total of 255,786 women were followed on average for 8.8 years. The average age at first treatment was 34.5 years and women had an average of 1.8 cycles of treatment

The cause of infertility involved at least one female factor in 111,658 (44% ) women. Infertility was unexplained in 47,757 (19%) women and was due only to male factors in 84,871 (33%).

The study, published in the British Medical Journal found no increased overall risk of bad cancer or invasive bad cancer badociated with badisted reproduction, compared to the population General.

"Continuous surveillance of this population is essential"

Authors of study

An increased risk of non-invasive (in situ) bad cancer was detected – an absolute excess risk of 1, 7 cases per 100,000 person-years – which was badociated with an increasing number of treatment cycles.

An increased risk of ovarian cancer, both invasive and borderline, has also been detected. five cases per 100,000 person-years.

However, this was limited to women with other known risk factors, which the researchers suggested were due to the underlying characteristics of the patients, rather than badisted procreation.

The authors of the study pointed out that, although they found no overall increased risk of cancer of the womb, continued monitoring of "these important findings in this population continually growing is essential "

. , a national study of the population of British women after badisted procreation treatment, no increased risk of uterine corpora or invasive bad cancer has been detected.

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