Tens of Thousands Should Protest During Donald Trump's Visit to the United Kingdom | American News


Tens of thousands of protesters are expected to take to the streets while Donald Trump meets Theresa May on Friday to discuss a possible trade deal during a four-day working visit to the United Kingdom.

smiles when he lands at Stansted in Airforce One at 13:51 on Thursday, but twitchy protests are immediately launched, with banners that challenge his human rights record on Vauxhall Bridge and protesters to make a wall of noise in front of the residence of the US ambbadador Trump, who announced his trip by announcing that the "Brexit is Brexit" and wondering if the British government was applying the will of the people, will largely avoid the capital or from other cities that could host major protests. Instead, it will be mainly isolated from the public in various areas or palaces and will travel mainly by plane.

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Nonetheless, the protesters will seek his attention, with a giant Trump airship flying over Westminster Friday morning before 70,000 people take to the streets in protest. There will be rallies in Glasgow and Manchester as well as a women's march in London and the Stop Trump flagship event, which will end in Trafalgar Square.

On Thursday night, Trump was attending a tie dinner at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, the birthplace of Winston Churchill, attended by business leaders as well as senior cabinet members.

On Friday it is expected that he will join May for an anti-terrorist demonstration of British and American special forces at Sandhurst, before the main commercial element of his trip: the talks with May and the new foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt , retired Prime Minister Checkers, including a working lunch.

Downing Street said the talks would cover trade, Brexit, Russia and the Middle East.

"I think they're enjoying me a lot in the UK," says Donald Trump – video
Later on Friday, Trump and his wife, Melania, who will spend some of their time at separate engagements with May's husband, Philip, will take tea with the Queen at Windsor Castle before flying to the island. Scotland, where they should visit Trump. There are other events planned in Glasgow and Edinburgh during the weekend, including a "Resistance Carnival", including country-style party games mocking the city of Glasgow and the city of Glasgow. 39; Ayrshire. Before leaving the sometimes chaotic NATO summit in Brussels, Trump said the Brexit was heading for a different route than the British people would expect, and that the UK could move closer to the UK. 39 EU Speaking at a press conference while he was preparing to leave the NATO summit for his first official visit to the UK, Trump did not explicitly called for a hard Brexit, insisting that he was not interfering with the UK's internal affairs, but his remarks are likely to bother number 10 while he's fighting to back Brexit's project of Theresa May.

"I would say Brexit is Brexit," said Trump. "People have voted to dismantle it, so I imagine that's what they would do, but maybe they're taking a different path." I'm not sure this is or for what they voted. "

He added that it seemed like the UK" was at least partially involved in the European Union .I would like them to be able to solve the problem so that it can go quickly. "

In response, May said," What we are doing is following up on the vote of the British people. "[19659002] Trump said that He had read closely about Brexit in recent days and he described the UK as "a pretty hot place with a lot of quits."

He had already described the UK as a boiling country May's leadership instead praised former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who resigned Monday to protest the Brexit deal May presented to the firm when she retired from the Checkers this weekend.

Trump also said be careful because immigration "invaded Europe", and that was the reason for Brexit. He said he would take the EU later this month by demanding a change in commercial tariffs under the threat of imposing controls on German car exports to the United States.

He insisted that he was popular in the United Kingdom. migration. "They love me a lot in the UK I think they agree with me on immigration."

A Guardian / ICM poll released Wednesday showed that 53 % of respondents disagreed with the idea that Trump was doing a good job, and 63% disagreed with the statement that they would like to see a politician like him as British Prime Minister.

Donald Trump's Route Map

Almost as the plane lands, a banner announcing: "Donald Trump: Human Rights Nightmare" was deployed by Amnesty UK on Vauxhall Bridge, in front of the Embbady of the United States. United States.

Trump arrived at Winfield House. welcomed by a large group of people while the Beatles' song "We can work it out" was playing in the background. But the protesters promised to make his stay at the residence as uncomfortable as possible, by staging a "noise demonstration all night" at Regent's Park near the US Embbady. A ring of steel fences and concrete bollards was erected around the residence of the American ambbadador.

Employees of the US Embbady said that Trump had delivered a brief speech, one of them saying: "It was very positive for the England and for the allies we have, very positive. "

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