These are the best PC deals in selling Xbox Ultimate games


Credit: Microsoft

Microsoft does not play with the sale of Xbox Ultimate games that is currently running until July 30th. There is a bunch of Xbox Play Anywhere games in sale that lets you play games on Xbox or PC This means that PC players on Windows 10 can also enjoy the big business event.

Here is our look at some of the highlights:

Forza Motorsport 7 Standard Edition is $ 30 Remove link out of product drop from his MSRP of $ 60, and the ultimate edition of the game is $ 50, a 50 percent reduction in his MSRP of $ 100. Forza 7 is a fantastic racing game, but when it came out, we did not like the loot system.

Gears of War 4 Ultimate Edition Remove Non-Product Link is also on sale today for $ 30 MSRP of $ 60. It's another fun game, but we had mixed feelings. Finally, Sea of ​​Thieves Remove the non-produced link is $ 48 instead of $ 60, a modest affair but a game we like to play.

There is also a bunch of well-known Steam games that the Microsoft Store sells for less:

Ark: Survival Evolved costs $ 24 Remove the non-product link from Microsoft today, while Steam is selling it for $ 60. The Long Dark is $ 12 Remove non-product link and Steam has it for $ 30. Everspace is also $ 12 Remove the non-product link from $ 30, and Tacoma is half to $ 10 Remove the non-product link that we have called "a pleasant experience and fast with a "

Finally, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Gold Edition costs $ 30 Remove a non-product link while it is currently $ 50.38 on Steam.

Those who are our best choices, but there are more offers to make for PC gamers. Just make sure the games you've chosen are listed on Microsoft's Xbox Play Anywhere list before you buy them or you're looking for an Xbox to play them.

[Officially:XboxUltimateGameSalesurWindows10Store Remove link that does not affect product .]

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