Where is Xur and what does he sell? July 20 to 24


This is again this time for another edition of "Where is Xur, and what is it selling?" This weekend, July 20-24, Xur is on the landing zone of Giant's Scar on Io. way to him. Take a look below to see what exotic Xur sells this week in Destiny 2 .

What does Xur sell this weekend?

  • Engram Fated – 97 Legendary Shards
  • Coldheart (Tracer Rifle) – 29 Legendary Fragments
  • Helmet of Saint-14 (Gauntlets) for Titan Clbad – 23 Legendary Fragments [19659004] Gravitons Package (Helmet) for Hunter – 23 Legendary Fragments [19659004] Ray Vesper (Thoracic Armor) for the Warlock Clbad – 23 Legendary Fragments
  • Three Pieces – 31 Fragments Legendary

Weapon: Coldheart Tracking Rifle

An Exotic weapon Weapon exclusive when Destiny 2 was released in September 2017, Xur now offers it to those who do not have it , although it is accessible to all thanks to the curse of Osiris ] DLC. If you have never used a Speargun before, it launches a constant radius on enemies or PvP players. There are two benefits to Coldheart, in the first place, Cold Fusion that will inflict arc damage from the beam that is fired. The second advantage, Longest Winter, will allow Coldheart to do more damage, the longer it will be

Titan Gear: Helm of Saint-14 (Gauntlets)

Ward of Dawn at Blind enemies who walk in the interior. Of course, using your Sentinel Sheild will do the same thing as this exotic armor. It's really a pbad this time, but if you need it for your collection, go ahead and buy it

Hunter Gear: Graviton Forfeit (Helmet)

The Perish Shadow Gravit Package comes with will increase the duration of your invisibility skill and will make your melee ability will load faster while you are invisible.

Warlock Gear: Vesper of Ray (Chest Armor)

Also, part of the Curse of Osiris DLC, Vesper of Radius comes with a good advantage that may or may not be useful in some situations. The advantage of the Planetary Torrent causes a shock wave when you place your Rift. Your Rift will also recharge much faster when enemies are around you.

As always, these exotic items have a power level of 305 (base 300 with +5 mod) so for those with a lower power level, this should help you

Do you intend to receive something from Xur this weekend? Tell us what you enter by leaving your comments below, or on Google+, Twitter or Facebook.

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