Australians can win this McDonald’s themed PS5 controller


PS5 controller McDonalds

Didn’t those recently released PlayStation 5 controllers in red and black really do that for you? If your answer to this question is yes and you live in Australia, you can instead try to win this PS5 themed pad from one of the most popular fast food chains on the planet. McDonald’s has created their own limited edition controller, and we’ll let you decide if that’s totally hideous or not.

You have fries on the left, a burger on the right, and the McDonald’s logo in the center of the touchpad. You’re essentially a walking (or sitting?) Advertisement for the brand if you win one, but that might not be a bad thing for someone so passionate about Ronald McDonald. While the joystick and triggers were left alone, the D-pad and face buttons were also painted yellow.

There are 50 of these McDonald’s themed PS5 controllers up for grabs for the community, and in order to do that you need to watch certain streamers on Twitch. They will be playing Overwatch, Minecraft, FIFA 21, and Night in the Woods over the next seven days. Do you want one? Alternatively, campaign to make the Big Tasty Meal a permanent menu item in the comments below.


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